Page 14 of Trust in the Fallen

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Fuck. This woman is going to be the end of us, and I don’t know about Elias, but I’m more than happy to watch my own demise if I’m doing it balls deep inside my angel.



Oh my god. I can’t believe I’m doing this. I can’t believe I’m allowing two men to touch me, and I’m calling them Sir while they do it. Who am I, and what have I done with Leighton Grace Chalmers? The woman I was when I walked into the bar tonight is worlds away from the one laying face down in the middle of a dining room table with two sinfully attractive older men staring at her like they’re starved for her. I’ve never felt so powerful.

The rapture in their eyes is so intense I almost look away, but I force myself to look between them, to be brave. Tonight I don’t want to be the meek woman who lives her life by the country club’s standard of normal. I want to be the goddess these two gods need.

“Let’s move this party to my bedroom,” Wyatt says, stepping forward and bundling me against his hard chest.

“I can walk. You’re going to hurt you—” But I don’t get through my sentence before two harsh slaps meet my already tender ass.

“Enough,” Elias growls. “Another rule, pretty girl. No putting yourself down. We will not stand for it, and if you want to come tonight, that’s the last time you will even think such a thing.”

My mouth drops open, but all arguments die on my tongue when he gives me a pointed look.

“That’s another rule, angel. You’re not to come without permission,” Wyatt says against my ear, dragging a soft moan from my throat. Every touch makes it harder to think through what’s going to happen next, and maybe that’s the point. “I need your words, angel. Nodding isn’t going to fly tonight because we don’t want to risk missing a head movement, and it forces you to use your safe word, okay?”

“Okay, Sir,” I murmur.

“For now, there are only two other rules for you to follow. You will only speak when spoken to, and you are not to lie to us. That last one goes for both in and out of the bedroom,” Elias brushes his fingers down my cheek softly.

Wyatt carries me into a dark room, and the moment the lights go on I suck in a breath. A huge California King four-poster bed sits in the center of the room with a half wall behind it. Black sheets match the black curtains and styling with timber accents. The room smells like Wyatt, making me wonder how on earth I’m going to survive a night of being surrounded by not only their heat, but their masculine scents as well.

“I don’t want you putting any pressure on this ankle tonight, Leighton,” Wyatt says as he sits me on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping under my weight. “Elias and I will help you move into any position we order you into, and we will be as careful as we can of your ankle, but if it starts to hurt or if we knock it by accident, I want you to tell us immediately, okay?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I’m never going to get enough of hearing those words on your pretty lips, angel,” he groans. His fingers slip beneath the short skirt of my costume and inches up my thigh. His movements are slow and unhurried despite the fire burning in his eyes.

The moment he tugs the costume over my head and I’m left in nothing but a pair of skimpy panties and a lacy bra that does nothing to hide my hardening nipples, I automatically wrap my arms around my stomach protectively. I’m not used to men looking at me with the lights on. That’s something that Jason has always been very set on. He doesn’t like to have sex until the lights are off, and I’ve always been very self-conscious about that.

But Wyatt’s not having a bit of it. He carefully unwinds my arms and presses me back onto the mattress with my arms pinned above my head.

“There will be none of that, angel,” he tuts, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to the swell of my breast, quickly followed by sinking his teeth into the soft flesh and dragging a startled scream from my throat. A blush climbs up my cheeks, and if my hands were free, I would cover my face from embarrassment. I’ve never made a noise like that. In fact, Jason tends to adopt more of a less is more philosophy.

Elias and Wyatt groan in unison, the sound making my stomach sink. Oh no, they want me to be quiet, too. I can do quiet. I’ve been doing quiet for years.

“Jesus, that was the sexiest fucking sound I’ve ever heard in my life.” Wyatt laps at the angry red mark his teeth left.

My eyes widen at his words, words so different from any a man has ever spoken to me before. Jason is the only person I’ve ever been intimate with, but I’m certainly not his. Despite the big deal he and his family made about my virginity and the need for it to be intact, the same could not be said for him. Before our families came to an arrangement, he slept his way through almost our entire year level, including my best friend, or ex-best friend I guess.

“She’s thinking again,” Elias notes as he drags a single finger down my sternum, the light brush of his calloused skin on mine causes a shiver of need to vibrate through my body.

“We can’t have that, now can we?” Wyatt’s smile is wicked as it tugs at the corners of his lips, and then he sinks his teeth into the other breast the same way he did the first.

And once again I scream, except this time I don’t bother to censor myself despite the nagging voice in the back of my head telling me I should be ashamed of the sounds I’m making.

I’m never going to see these men again after tonight, so what does it matter?



Every inch of Leighton is intoxicating.

Her smooth skin. The way her eyes roll into the back of her head each time one of us touches her. How her full, pouty lips part with silent cries as she tries desperately to train her reactions to us.
