Page 69 of Gunner's War

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“All while pregnant. I figured I could too. But to be completely honest, back then I had a bit of an attitude. Big bad ass Ranger, you know.

“Anyway, I miscarried and my boyfriend, who never wanted a child or wife, tried to sue me. That didn’t work, but there was punishment.”

“What kind of punishment? The Army?”

“No. Me,” she met his eyes, and he could see the pain in hers. “I told myself then and there it would never happen again. I’d never let a child be put at risk. If I could do that, then maybe I’d be redeemed.”

“I forgive you.”

His soft tone seemed to act like a switch, one that turned on her tear ducts. She didn’t make a sound, just let the tears fall. “Thank you. I reckon my problem is that I don’t know how to redeem myself.

“Or didn’t. Not until now. Now I know the path to redemption.”

“And it lies where?”

“Saving them and letting them be what they were meant to be, live as they should. Wild. I have to set them free. Give them back the life taken from them. Once that happens, I’ll be free, too.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do. Now, tell me everything you’ve observed, and let’s figure out how to dispose of the trash quickly.”

“Okay, but I need to ask. You’re spoken with Charli and Jud, and maybe Riggs and Matt Brickman?”

“Yes, to all. Why?’

“Do they know who is out here looking for me?”

“Yes. A man you’ve fought and bested before. Samir Abdul Amir. He’s recruited or hired trackers and killers. From what I can tell, they’re split into groups of five. Obviously, you and the wolves have already taken out one cell. I dispatched another a day ago. How many more are following is anyone’s guess.”

“I don’t get it. I can’t believe he’d find anyone to give him any usable intel. “

“You forget one thing.”


“Money. Apparently he has a lot to throw around and knows how to use it to get what he wants. He starts with the hired hands, offering a wad of cash for information. One of them tells Samir that Gunner showed up and headed for his friend’s place in Montana. Chances are, Oakley is there. He doesn’t know the friend’s full name, but knows he was a SEAL and the last name is Brickman.”

“Did that happen or are you speculating?”

“He did show up in a line of twelve limos at Jud’s place, looking for you. He left empty-handed. Some of Jud’s men got photos, and Clay called in some favors and had them identified. It’s Samir.”

Oakley nodded. “Then tomorrow we leave tracks and take him where we want the standoff to take place.”

“And where might that be?”

“In the middle of the biggest wolf pack in the nation,” she said, and cut him a smile. “Nashoba and I have been tracking a pack. It’s huge. If he and Ba’Cho win the allegiance of that pack, they will rule over a pack of nearly three hundred wolves. That’s unheard of.”

“Is a pack that large dangerous to other wildlife?”

“Wolves only kill to survive, they’re not like people. Wolves are stewards of the land, Gun. If we leave it to them, the land and its inhabitants will flourish as well.”

“And you?”

She looked away, and he came up behind her, put his hands on her shoulders, and turned her to face him. “And you, Oakley?”

“And I will love them to my last breath, and will let them go for that reason.”

“And I will ensure you achieve your goal.”

“And then?” she asked with an attempt at a smile.
