Page 58 of Gunner's War

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Gunner was impressed. “Smart. The Navy teach you that?”

“Naw,” Matt shook his head. “Search and rescue. When minutes count, you need to play every angle open to you, use all the clues, and hope like hell you’re on track and on time.”

“I heard that,” Gunner agreed and stuck out his hand for the case. When Matt handed it to him, he nodded. “Not too heavy it will weigh me down.”

“Gun, you’d have to be carrying a water buffalo to weigh you down.”

“I’m notthatbig.”

“Yeah, right and- oh, wait, I have one other important thing for you. Oakley and I mapped out aroute, and she marked how far she wanted to travel each day. They’ll walk for a day, looking for signs of wolves. If they see anything, they’ll hang around for a day to see if they are still in the area. If they are not, Oakley and her wolves will move on.” He went to the desk and opened the top drawer. When he returned, he handed a map to Gunner.

“She marked her destinations on the map.”

“What did she base this path on?”

“My observations. I’ve been working with environmental groups for a while, and with wolf activists. I fly the park at least twice a month, looking for packs, and we’ve identified eight. Four of them are active in the areas Oakley hopes to pass through.”


“She’s something,” Matt commented.

“Don’t I know it.”

“Well, when do you plan on heading out?”

“Is now too soon?”

“Not for me, but are you sure you don’t want a good meal and a night in a decent bed before you head out.”

“I’m sure.”

“Then let’s load up and get on the road.”

Gunner gave no argument to that. The sooner he was in Yellowstone, the closer he was to finding Oakley and her wolves.


Oakley shifted, then rolled over on her side on the hard ground, seeking a more comfortable position. When it didn’t work, she grumbled and opened her eyes. Everything froze. Her movements, her breath, and she almost felt like her heart had skipped a beat. How was she suddenly standing and where was she?

She stood in the center of a valley. Training kicked in, reminding her to survey the area, so that’s what she did. She looked around, trying to determine where she was. To her right, left and behind, were mountains in the distance, a natural barrier that protected the valley on three sides. Before her was open land – a long narrow valley that stretched on as far as she could see.

Thick growth of trees protected the sides, along with less steep or high hills and outcroppings. The moon shone from behind her, barely halfway visible over the mountains. The shadows cast by the range of peaks were long at present, but she knew that would change. Their length would stretch as the moon’s position in the shy changed, and then, when the moon was no longer visible, the shadows would vanish, and the land would take on a whole new look.

It was beautiful. The only thing that could make it more perfect, at least for her, would be wildlife. Safe, protected, healthy wildlife. As if in answer to that wish, animals started to come into view, appearing as from a mist she couldn’t see.

Oakley marveled at the number and variety of animals that lined the edge of the valley, watching and waiting. But for what?

She felt it before seeing. A presence. No, a multitude. And then they appeared. Wolves. Oakley couldn’t believe how many there were. Was this possible? More than likely, it was a creation of her mind, a wish. If she could create a utopia, it would look like this.

Oakley wasn’t a woman taken with flights of fantasy, so never for a moment assumed what she experienced was part of her physical world. This was something else, something different.

It was like a lucid dream.

“That didn’t take long.”

She recognized the voice and turned her head to see Sadie Three Rivers standing beside her. With Sadie was a beautiful blonde woman, younger than Sadie, but bearing a strong family resemblance.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, and who is that?” she gestured toward the blond woman.
