Page 52 of Gunner's War

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“Manners,” Oakley entered, and then smiled when Grace chuckled and slid a pan of biscuits from the oven. “Did my mother drill that into you as well?”

“You know she did.”

“Well, good manners never go to waste.” Grace set the pan on the cooling rack and turned to look at Oakley. Her smile vanished. “What’s wrong? Has something happened?”

“Yes. I have to take the wolves and leave.”


“Because they’re likely to be in danger here.”


“Because an old enemy wants to even a score with me, and I think the people at Sanctuary in Texas just unknowingly revealed where I am.”

“We can protect you, Oakley. And them.”

“No. You can’t. This enemy won’t come alone, and he’ll come armed. He means to kill me, Grace, and take the wolves. If he can’t have them, then he’ll order them killed and he’ll kill anyone who gets in his way.”

“What did you do to this person?” Grace asked and poured herself a cup of coffee. “Want one?”

“No, thanks.” Coffee would just jack her up more, and that was the last thing she needed.

“Then come sit and tell me everything.”

“Ba’Cho, Nashoba,” she said, and then gestured. “Sit. Wait.”

They waited until she sat, then took positions on either side of her facing the door. Grace sat and sipped from her cup. “Okay, spill.”

Just as Oakley opened her mouth to tell Grace what had happened, her phone rang. She pulled it from her pocket. One look had he glancing at Grace. “I’m sorry, I have to take this.”


Oakley stood and stepped out onto the porch, answering the call. “Mr. Brickman?”


“Thanks, Matt.”

“Gun said you might call. What can I do for you Major?”

“Oakley, please. I wanted to ask how familiar you are with Yellowstone.”

“Very. I do a lot of search and rescue for the park and lead wilderness treks in the spring and summer. Not to mention having played there most of my life, why?”

“Well enough to help me locate a wolf pack?”

“A—a wolf pack? May I ask why?”

“I need to deliver something to them.”



There was a long pause. “Okay, I never would have guessed that, and when we meet, I’d like to hear the backstory of this move, but for now, where do you want to meet and when?”

“Tomorrow. As early as possible. Text me a location near the park and how long it’ll take you to get there. Give me the time necessary for the drive, and I’ll call when I’m there, so you won’t have to wait.”
