Page 28 of Gunner's War

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“And you can’t share that, I assume.”


“Do you have to leave now?”

“I do.”

Oakley moved closer, put one hand on his chest, and looked up at him. “I want to see you again, Gun.”

“You will.”

“I mean in this life, big guy.”

“So do I,”

She nodded and reached up with her free hand, placed it behind his neck, and pulled him in for a kiss that lingered. Oakley wondered if it was her imagination or if this kiss felt like some kind of promise.

Gunner answered that question when the kiss ended. “Will you be here when I return?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. There are still things up in the air.”

“Don’t change your phone number, hot stuff.”

“Don’t forget it,” she countered.

“That won’t happen,” he cupped her face with both hands. “We have unfinished business; Major Rising Wolf, and I don’t like leaving things undone.”

“Nor do I.”

“Then I’ll be seeing you.”

“Is that a promise?”

“A guarantee,” his voice lost its teasing tone and became series.

She nodded, suddenly not sure of her voice. It’d been only weeks they’d known one another. Was that long enough to fall in love with someone? And could she truly say she was in love with him if she was still afraid to speak her truth to him?

Oakley had no answer to those questions, but asking them provided clarity she desperately needed. She knew now what she would do, and it wasn’t what anyone would have guessed.

Not even herself.



“I hate this place,” Riggs groused and readjusted his position.

“You hate why you’re here.” Gunner moved slightly to his right at a glimpse of motion in his periphery. “You hate being away from Georgie and Robby and the ranch. That’s a first, bruh. Missing someone the way you miss them. It changes everything.”

The silence that followed lasted a good five minutes. Gunner didn’t mind silence. He’d known Riggs too long not to be able to read what was going on with him. Right now, he was trying not to let his emotions get in the way of what he needed to do, or where his attention needed to be.

Not having your head fully in the game was one of the easiest ways to get yourself killed. Or someone else. They couldn’t afford that. Not from anyone. So far, Riggs had successfully pushed emotions aside when necessary. But nights like this one when you’re stuck on a roof, keeping watch and everything’s quiet, that’s when emotions and memories creep in, catching you unaware.

Gunner understood, after a fashion. He’d done a lot of thinking himself. About working for the Walker ranch and about Oakley. Mostly about Oakley. When they last spoke, she sounded different. He couldn’t pinpoint what the difference was, but he heard it in her voice.

It wasn’t until a few days ago that it came to him. She was on hold. The deal with Sanctuary had gone cold. He’d returned to his former life and answered the call of duty. Oakley understood that. She’d have done the same.

Destiny seemed to have other plans for her. It sure wasn’t planned. But right after the SEAL’s were called for duty, Mason came to see her at the Walker’s ranch where she’d been offered space.
