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“Oh, nothing. Just thinking about what I have to do tomorrow.”

Her smile lingers on me before she turns away. The guilt within me grows achingly. All I wanted was a quick release, and now I realize just how deep I am in this mess of a situation.

If I annihilate the very place she longs to be, then what kind of monster will I become? Do I still have the strength in me to do what I came here to do?



The aching feeling for something more than this still lingers. Last night, though, I was given the first glimpse of hope for the future when Selliss told me about Lodra, the land where humans get to roam free

It seems like a fantasy, but what reason does Selliss have to lie to me? He’s been pretty honest about everything, and I trust all that he says by now.

I fell asleep dreaming about Lodra, envisioning going for an evening stroll with no one to answer to. I know there’s a deeper purpose to my life other than being someone’s property, to be able to live free in a safe haven for humans.

That alone should be enough motivation to risk it all, to make a break for this fabled land. So why don’t I?

I turn around to look at my answer, admiring Selliss as he gets prepared for the day. I cannot deny just how good he has been to me. I may be stuck up here, but it certainly beats rotting in a cell.

If only things were different. If only he and I could live elsewhere, away from all of this madness. He is just about ready for the work day ahead.

“I guess I will see you later then?” I ask.

“No need to wait until this evening,” he replies. He reaches into his closet and pulls out a bag, handing it to me. “Put this on.”

I can’t believe it. I’m holding the first set of clothes I’ve seen in two weeks. Without hesitation, I slip them on, donning a long green skirt, a deep brown corset, and a silk, sleeveless top.

“I might just never take this off again,” I joke. “So, what did I do to earn this?”

Selliss offers his hand. “Come with me and I will show you,” he says with a smile.

I must be dreaming, I think to myself as we leave the room. I have almost forgotten what the palace looks like outside his quarters.

Selliss leads the way through the twists and turns of the hallways, eventually bringing us to a large set of doors on the ground floor.

He pushes the iron doors open, and we’re hit by an intensely bright ray of sunshine. I blink, and when my eyes open, I’m shocked to find us at the entrance to the gardens.

“By the gods,” I exclaim, letting go of Selliss’ hand.

I walk forward, casting a glance ahead at the maze-like garden trails before me. Gardeners tend to the various flower beds of boisterous colors and trim the neatly kept hedges. I can see fountains in the distance.

Part of me cannot believe this is real, that this is my first time stepping onto soil and grass in what seems like forever. This is so free from the confines of his quarters that it feels like the rest of me is still trying to catch up.

“This is so lovely,” I remark aloud.

“I thought you might like it,” Selliss remarks. “It’s about time you set foot outside my room, don’t you think?”

“It couldn’t have come any sooner. Can we take a walk?”

“Of course. Stay by my side. I’ll show you the way to an area where we can sit down for something to eat.”

I cannot stop gasping and laughing in delight as I stroll through the gardens. Soon, Selliss takes us to a small table set up in the center, where some servants have prepared us some tea and a small selection of baked goods.

“Why didn’t you take me out here sooner?” I ask, only half-joking, as we settle down.

“Well, I couldn’t have spoiled all the fun in one day now, could I?” he says. “So, I take it you like the place?”

“Like it? I love it.”
