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“I’m leaving, and I won’t be back until later tonight. You are to stay here while I’m gone. I will have some food sent up for you, along with everything you need for a bath.”

Before I can answer him, he’s gone, leaving me to ponder his random change in mood. I shake my head, clearing the thought away. I don’t need to concern myself with his moods, that isn’t my job.

It takes me a minute to realize that he actually left me in his room for the day. Which means I don’t have to go to my cell for the time being. A huge smile spreads across my face, and I can’t help but jump up from my spot in the window.

I run over to the bed, jumping into it and savoring the feeling of the soft fabric. I grab a pillow and hug it close to my body, before sliding out of the bed and dancing around the room with it.

Suddenly, I realize that I’m actually going to get to use that huge bath like I wanted to. This might be my luckiest day.

After a little while, there’s a knock on the door, and a servant brings in a tray of food, setting it down on the table and leaving without looking at me.

I can sense the naga woman's distaste for me, even though she was only in here for a moment. But somehow, it doesn’t even bother me. Nothing can ruin this high I’m on right now.

I sit at the table, surveying my breakfast. It appears to be kaijeer, which I’ve only had once before. It’s still steaming hot, but I can’t help but take a bite immediately, which I regret immensely because it burns my mouth.

I shovel down my breakfast, eating it like it’s my last meal. Maybe being a slave won’t be that bad if I get to stay with Selliss. He feeds me, and he really isn’t so bad. I appreciate the effort he’s putting in, even if it is only for his own benefit.

It could always be worse.

Just as I’m taking my last bite, two naga women knock and then enter the suite. One of them takes one look at me and scoffs. The other shoots her a dirty look, although she doesn’t look that pleased to be in here with me either.

In their arms, they carry what I can only guess are a few different soaps, a brush, and a towel. All for me. I know I shouldn’t feel lucky, but I can’t help it.

Still, a part of me wonders how long this can last. I know I shouldn’t get too attached. This thought is what finally brings me down from my high as I get ready for my bath.

Good things don’t happen to me.



“Captain, I am awaiting further orders.”

Fuck, how many hours has it been since I last had food sent up for Maya? How often do humans eat? Maybe I should have some stew sent up for her –



“I was saying, I’m awaiting further orders. Is there anything I can be doing right now?”

Shit, I really am distracted today.

“Yes, soldier. You are to assemble a group of men that will be heading into Lodra soon. Same task as last time. Get them ready.”

“Yes, Captain. Anything else?”

“I already gave you your fucking orders, what else do you want?”

“Consider it done,” he says before scurrying away.

I really need to get it together. I can’t be seen slacking off, just in case the King has spies around, which I’m sure he does. But I can’t seem to shut Maya completely out of my mind.

It’s not that I care for her or anything like that, it’s just that I feel responsible for her. I feel that I at least owe her for last night.

I need to train some soldiers for the upcoming war, but before I start, I flag down a servant.

“Jezel, can you please have some taura stew sent up to my room?”
