Page 18 of Godless Creatures

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He was a slippery fiend, and when he pushed my shoulder to bow before the everlasting star, my patience evaporated. I backhanded him so hard he went sprawling across the grass, flowers flying all over. No one came to his aid, waiting in anticipation to see if I would kill him or not. They didn’t realise I gained no satisfaction taking from the weak. This fool was legitimately crazy. He belonged here. I’d get no joy out of spilling his blood.

Trudging for the doors of the asylum, I heard inmates shuffling in the distance, coming to his rescue while my back wasturned.Cowards.I halted in the corridor, glimpsing Micah and Burner in the empty mess hall. I couldn’t hear them, although judging from their mannerisms, they looked comfortable, awfully fucking chummy.

Burner leant in close, his wide smile on full display, no doubt retelling one of his winning jokes. What I wasn’t prepared for was Micah’s interest, her head tilted back and jaw slackened as she released a hearty laugh. Burner was clearly impressed by her enthusiasm, his hand landing on her lower back.

My teeth ground at the display. Luckily for them both, Micah stepped out of reach and walked away. Unluckily for me, she was coming in my direction.

I entered the first unlocked door I found, landing in a maintenance closet and waiting for the coast to clear. Her silhouette crossed my path, her glossy brown tresses mocking me as she swept by.

All my previous frustration, anger and sense of injustice came crashing in on me. I couldn’t control myself when my hand whipped through the crack and snatched her.

In one fluid motion, Micah was slammed against the closed door. I wedged myself in front of her, crushing her into the hard surface with the whole pressure ofme.

My fingers raised, tangled and fisted into Micah’s hair, while hers surprisingly gripped onto the back of my shirt, squeezing me closer. I needed answers, and she was going to provide…or else.

“I tire of this game, babe,” I said, voice strained and deadly. The same voice I used for all my victims. “Why did you give me that elixir? Are you fucking playing with me?”

“I told you. Revenge. That’s what I want,” she said, her sweet, toxic breath floating over my face.

I pulled her hair tighter and she shuddered. “How does that involve me? Fucking tell me.”

“Information,” she sighed. Her eyes roamed over my features, the space between us practically non-existent. I could feel every singleinchof her. “I want you to tell me why you got sent here? What did you see? What did you hear? What happened for Maximus to turn his back on his most prized gladiator? What did youdo,Psycho?”

I shook my head for clarity, my mind muddled and filled with smoke, completely consumed in her presence. Then her words filtered into my brain.

Micah wanted the one thing I’d never be able to provide, never be willing to sacrifice.

With her uttered demand, she had carried forth the fundamental end to our brief connection.

I’d never be able to see her again.

I pressed her even harder into the door, near the point of us both suffocating.

I will take this. One last time to feel her body against mine. One last time to drown in her scent. One last time to breathe in her air.

I grazed my nose up her exposed neck, to halt at the beauty spot perfectly located beneath her jawline. My tongue flicked out to lick my lips, inadvertently skimming across the mark.

Goosebumps chased my movements as they raised on her skin and I willingly soaked in each tremble, each shiver, each hitched sigh she so freely gave.

Tipping my head back, our lips barely scraped together when I whispered my verdict. “Micah, baby, seems our liaison has come to an end.” It was the first time I’d said her name out loud, the syllables rolling off my tongue in perfect clarity, as if they always belonged there.

“You won’t even consider my request?”

“The risk is too high.”

“Ahh, so there is a reason why you voluntarily stay here. What have they got on you? I can help. You can trust me, Psycho.”


A word I wish was never fucking invented. It had only caused turmoil and pain in my life. “Huh,” I scoffed. Her mask shone with sincerity. That’s when I realised she actually believed the shit she was spouting. “I think you truly believe that, don’t you? That you’re someone dependable, someone I could put my trust in? Well, it will remain an untested theory. With this, I trustno one.” I pushed off her, detangling my hold from her soft strands, and with a harsh sneer I ended our acquaintance. “Farewell,Golden Girl. Do not request to see me, do not approach me, do not talk to me. Leave quietly and never come back. This, right here,” I flicked my fingers between us. “Never existed.”

“If only it didn’t.”

Then her hands lifted to brace my jawline and before I could utter another word, she closed the distance to press her lips to mine.

I wasn’t a kisser. I didn’t kiss anyone, the caress too intimate and comfortable for my liking.

With Micah, the feeling was different. I inhaled sharply at the charged contact from the tender touch of her skin. Then my body took over without a coherent thought to lead it.
