Page 46 of Meeting his Daddy

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“Any guesses?” Beau called out.

“Not it!” Elton shouted. “Can’t be my family so who knows?”

Bobby Allen muttered something about murder as Atticus stood. “Whoever it is, they’ll have to be disappointed. The market is done for the day.”

The car parked a little bit away from us, then the passenger door opened. A figure moved across the headlights, their steps slow and sure.

It was hard to tell who they were or what the heck they wanted from a distance. I called out before anyone else could. “The market is closed down. Sorry you missed it.”

“Sorry I did too,” the man replied once he was close enough.

With the firelight now casting on his face, it became clear to us all who the man was. It had been nearly a year since we’d seen him but none of us could ever forget him.

“Gerald?” Atticus’s voice was gruff as he took a step forward. He stopped before getting any closer. “You’re here.”

Gerald nodded slowly. “I am. I hadn’t planned on it, but it was hard to ignore you guys when I saw you popping up everywhere around me. I figured it was time to come clear the air.”

“Are you coming home?” Travis asked him.

“This place isn’t really home for me anymore, Trav. It hadn’t been for a really long time. I’d like to stick around for a few days if that’s ok. I miss this place. Plus, I owe it to you to tell my side of the story.”

“You’re always welcome here. You’re family, Gerald. I hope you know that.”

He shrugged in reply. “I didn’t for a long time. I’ve gotten better though. I had some help along the way.”

I watched as he glanced back at the car. “You should tell him to come over too. He can’t sleep in the car all night.”

At my teasing words, he shook his head. He waved to the person in the car, then he turned back to us.

“Should we do this tonight or…”

“Whenever you’re ready. We’re just happy to see you,” Sean told him as he went to stand by Atticus.

Gerald smiled softly. “It’s a long story. I don’t even really know where to start. You’ve all only gotten bits and pieces over the years. Even my confession before I left wasn’t the full truth.”

I stood and walked over to him. At the same time, the guy from the car appeared behind Gerald. I recognized him right away as Robin’s brother.

“Is everything ok, precious?” His arm protectively went to Gerald’s waist. I watched the motion, then raised my brow at both men.

Gerald turned to him. “Everything is fine, sir. Atticus agreed we could stay. I was told I could invite you from the car. I’m going to tell them everything.”

The other man nodded. “I’m proud of you. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

Someone ran to grab more chairs. Gerald and the man whose name I still didn’t know sat down in our circle of friends. Everyone piled together, our focus solely on them. Even the littles had ditched the playhouse to be a part of this.

My boy was tucked against my side, his arms wrapped around me as he gave me the support he knew I’d need. Seeing Gerald was a shock I hadn’t expected for the day. My equilibrium was off-balance.

Gerald rubbed his hands together. “It all began with…”
