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“You mean the wayyouignored my very reasonable idea?” We were outside, so I wouldn’t get any more descriptive than that, just in case someone nearby was listening.

“Refusing is not ignoring.”

“Refusing to consider is worse.”

“I considered it. It was a bad idea, so I refused.”

“Fuck you,” I snapped, my humor gone.

“I wish you would, Sweetheart!” he yelled behind me.

I slammed the back door, grabbing my laptop and taking it to my room. If he was going to insult my ideas, I wasn’t going to play along with his ridiculous game.

Tatum and Brynncame over to talk business later that day, and Zander excused himself to give us privacy. He had been working on something for his brothers, and I figured he didn’t want to be disturbed.

“Have you heard anything about Evan?” I immediately asked them.

“Nope.” Tatum shook her head. “The guys have been looking for him, but he’s hiding out somewhere. Probably a good call, all things considered.”

“Or he’s gathering his resources,” I countered. “He’s not stupid, and he’s supposedly working with a group that plans to take Charlie down. He knows he can’t threaten the Villins and his own father without backup.”

“Probably,” Tatum agreed. “But we’ve been gathering our resources too.”

And I’d been excluded.

Whether it was because I was a vampire, or because Zander didn’t want me involved, I didn’t know.

“How are things between you guys?” Brynn asked me.

I scowled. “He’s a bastard.”

Both girls exchanged grins.

“Why are you laughing at me?” I grumbled at them.

“Not laughing,” Brynn correct. “Smiling. Because you guys obviously drive each other crazy.”

“He’s the only one doing that. I’ve been perfectly pleasant. The asshole literally does yoga in the backyard every morning just to mock the fact that I can’t go to my classes anymore.”

“He doesn’t invite you?” Tatum looked surprised.

My scowl deepened. “He does, but he knows I’ll say no.”

They both busted up laughing.

“It sounds like he’s doing yoga every morning in an attempt to make things as normal for you as possible,” Brynn said with a smile.

I heaved a sigh. “I’m tired of talking about Zander. I’m ready to strangle the guy. Let’s just talk about the coffee shops.”

Brynn and Tatum’s expressions were knowing, but they let me change the subject anyway.

By the time they left,it was late, and I was ready to curl up in bed and pretend the day had never happened. I liked hanging out with my best friends, but I was so damn tired of thinking about and dealing with Zander.

The door to his room was closed when I passed it, so I ignored it and continued to my own.

At least he would be up late working, so he would forget that he was supposed to?—

Stopping in my doorway, I blinked at the sight in front of me.
