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I kissed him back for a minute anyway, as his hands slid over my ass and thighs. Pulling away, I asked, “Can I feed from you?”

He grinned again, wider. “Yes.”

I felt a little bad, knowing he was expecting me to have sex with him. There would be no sex. But, in my defense, he hadn’t asked. And it seemed a little silly to assume someone would bang you just because you fed them.

Flashing him a smile, I lowered my lips to his neck like I’d done it before.

I hadn’t.

But today was the day.

His blood didn’t smell anywhere near as appetizing as the blood bags I usually drank from, for some stupid reason. It barely smelled palatable. The scent reminded me of plain rice, or unflavored oatmeal.



Palatable enough to get it down, but not good enough that I actuallywantedit.

It took a moment of focus to force my body to shift. My vampire form looked a lot like my human one, but I was bigger, and my teeth and nails were sharper. My eyes were red, I was covered in moving magical tattoos, and I was a little faster and stronger than normal, too.

So… maybe not a lot like my human one after all.

With one last burst of willpower, I bit down hard and fast.

His blood flooded my mouth, and I nearly gagged.

It wasn’t even plain oatmeal—it was flour mixed with water.

I choked it down anyway.

Drinking blood was supposed to be pleasurable. It was supposed to make me feel good. When I drank from the blood bags, it sure as hell did.

Apparently, drinking from the vein didn’t work like that for me.

The guy groaned and rocked his erection against my core as I forced as much of his blood down as I could. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I yanked my fangs from his neck and ripped my body away from him.

“Thank you!” I called out, stumbling out of the booth. I caught myself on the divider wall, and my gaze landed on Sebastian. He was leaning up against a divider nearby with my purse hanging off his shoulder and his eyes trained on the ceiling. The man obviously wasn’t new to the nightclub scene—most demons found places like that to feed from once or twice a week, because they fed on lust—but he was there for business.

Bodyguard business.

I hurried over to him, wiping a bit of blood off my lip and brushing it off on the black fabric of my dress.

“I need another drink,” I said quickly, my voice shaking.

He strode across the club, and I followed at his heels.

My heart was still beating hard in my chest, and my stomach churned uncomfortably. The blood wasn’t sitting right. I was never nauseous when I drank from a bag.

Sebastian silently flagged a bartender down, and a few minutes later, I was cleaning my mouth out with fruity, sugary alcohol.

It didn’t sit well either, but it was better than the blood.

My hands were still shaking as I pulled my phone out of my bag. Brynn had texted me agood luckgif, but I didn’t open it up or respond.

Instead, I typed up a quick message to Charlie.

