Page 95 of Tex (Burnout 2)

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He realized now that in the bathroom, he’d taken her from behind because he couldn’t stand being denied looking into her eyes. He could have ordered that, he was the Master after all, but he was going to play this little scenario she’d set out for them both to its fullest.

“Tell me about the first time you had sex, pet.”

He knew she was surprised because her mouth widened a little, but she didn’t look up at him.

“How old were you?” he prompted.

“Pet was fifteen.”

“Who was he?”

She hesitated. “The brother of a friend.”

“Older than you?”

She nodded. “He was twenty, Master.”

Tex frowned. That was one hell of an age difference. Tex might be considerably older than Abby now, but she was at least a woman, not a girl.

“Have all your boyfriends been older?”

A flash of something crossed her face. It was…pain? he wondered. She might have been embarrassed if that were the case and he’d guessed it. Or surprised that he would ask. But pained?

“No, Master,” she answered. “The other two were my age.”

So it was this boy, this man, who’d been the problem. “What was his name?”

“Finn Donovan.”

“How long were you together?”

There it was again. That fleeting look. “A few days, Master,” she said quietly.

He leaned back in the chair. Days. Days. That did not jive with the Abby that he knew. She might have jumped into bed with Tex on a sexy, alcohol induced whim, but her other two boyfriends had been long-term.

“Tell me the whole story,” he commanded.

She looked a little lost at the request, but she opened her mouth to speak, anyway. “Finn was her friend’s brother. And he picked up Natalie a lot from school. He- he started talking to pet. Made her feel special. Said he understood things.”

“What things?”

“That pet wasn’t allowed to date boys. That pet had to go to a Catholic High School for girls to keep boys away. One day Natalie wasn’t there outside the school in the afternoon, but Finn was. He offered pet a ride home. She said ‘yes’.”

Tex didn’t like where this was going. At all. But he didn’t want to take the risk of expressing it and possibly have her shut down on him.

Abby continued. “Finn didn’t take pet home, though. He drove behind the school. He kissed pet. She’d never been kissed before.” Abby hung her head in shame. “Pet liked it,” she whispered. “But then Finn drove her home. Well, two blocks from home so Dad didn’t see, and the next day, Finn was waiting for her again.

“They went behind the school and he kissed her. And kissed her and kissed her and touched her under her shirt and she liked that too. He said she was pretty. He said he knew how much she’d been wanting it and that was true. Pet couldn’t talk to boys and so boys were all she thought about.”

Tex understood that. The minute you made something forbidden it could backfire and grow like an obsession in the mind.

“Did you ever tell him no?”

She nodded. “The third day. He wanted pet-” she shifted uncomfortably on the pillow. “He wanted pet to give him a blow job. But pet didn’t know about things like that. So, she said no. Finn said that was okay. He understood. So, he wanted to put a finger in. Just one. It wouldn’t hurt, he said. And it didn’t. Pet liked that, too.”

She was crying. Not loudly or even very noticeably. If you weren’t looking directly at her, you’d never know it from her voice. But tears ran down her face. Tex fought the urge to go to her. She needed to get this out. They couldn’t go anywhere until he figured out what it was that had her so god damn tied up in knots about sex. He prayed to God she hadn’t been raped. Not forcefully at least. It was pretty god damn clear, though, that a twenty year old man had no business messing around with a sixteen year old virgin and that was definitely rape of another kind. But Tex hoped the man hadn’t hurt her badly.

“The fourth day, the last day, Finn wanted pet to suck him, but she couldn’t. It seemed so…alien to her. She couldn’t see how anyone did that. Mary Elizabeth Cartwright sucked dick. That’s what everybody said. That and she was a slut, even though she didn’t go all the way. Still a slut, they said. But Rita Granger only had sex with her boyfriend, and everyone said that was okay. Boyfriends were okay as long as you didn’t have a lot of them.

“Pet asked Finn to be her boyfriend. So sex would be okay. And then she wouldn’t have to put his dick her mouth. The finger felt good and Rita said it hadn’t really hurt when her boyfriend had sex with her, so pet thought it would be okay. She had a boyfriend who thought she was pretty and so everything would be okay.

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