Page 59 of Forbidden Captor

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I walked her into the halls of the welcoming building, its stone architecture serious, but homey. Several other parents were walking their children inside. I nodded at one of the mothers who appeared to be an American. She dropped off her boy in the classroom, and my daughter went in after.

“Looks like they’ll be good friends,” the woman said. She introduced herself and I did the same. We both fawned over our children, and I was glad that we could drop our kids off.

She walked with me out of the building as the school’s announcement system came on.

“It’s pretty crazy,” the boy’s mother said. “We raise them as babies and then one day they just go off into the world. They don’t even cry.”

I nodded. I wanted to get back home to Jack, but it was nice to talk to another mother.

We both laughed over our shared experience of motherhood. Of course, I couldn’t really tell her how I met Jack. It was an odd thing, but when I got outside I felt like I had made a new friend even though I couldn’t remember her name for the life of me. I was too focused on my little girl. Tears filled my eyes as I entered the car. Jack held my hand, and I saw the tender tears in his eyes too.

My father looked at the school in wonder. He was no longer the evil man he had been before Esther was born. Now, my father was someone who had been reborn, saved by the love my man had for me. We rode back home in silence, where my father retreated to his room for a nap.

“What now?” I asked, like I didn’t already know what was on his mind.

He was gentle about it, his hands touching me in all the right places. I wanted him, but I had to get my mind off of my many worries.

Jack could sense my concerns, and as we laid in the bed cuddling, he stroked my hair lovingly. “Remember when we got married?” He asked.

“Which time?”

We both laughed.

“The second time, of course,” he said. “When we truly got married. And it was all ours. No one could tell us what to do. We weren’t afraid anymore. Life was good, and we got to celebrate our love the way it should be celebrated.”

I smiled thinking of that day. It was a very private affair, one that was a perfect moment shared with the love of my life. Jack caressed my body, and soon I was aroused. I climbed on top of him, and we made love as if it was the first time we had ever done so. Afterwards, I embraced him, our naked bodies intertwined in peace and comfort.

“You literally took me away, you know,” I said. “And that’s my father’s fault.”

“We should go thank him,” Jack said.

“And leave the comfort of our bedroom?”

“I just want to enjoy being with you,” Jack said. He kissed me tenderly, and I reveled in his love. There was no one like him, and I was very much proud of being his woman.

“I’m yours,” I said. “And you’re mine.”

I was blessed, and when I awoke from my nap, I could smell my favorite breakfast cooking in the kitchen.How does he know me so well?When I got to the kitchen, food was served, with some coffee. I could feel the warmth of the coffee giving me energy. Jack sipped on his cup as my father sauntered towards us.

“You kids get a good nap?” Dad asked. He looked like he had just rolled out of bed.

“Emma did,” Jack said. “I got started on breakfast. Couldn’t go back to bed after we dropped off Esther. I don’t know how you guys just slept when we got home.”

I shrugged. Of course, I knew that Jack’s amazing love had comforted me to sleep.

“I wonder how she’s doing,” I said.

“Quite well,” Jack said. “I called the school. They said she’s doing well. They also said if we want to eat lunch with her we can.”

“And you’re cooking breakfast?” I did enjoy the food he made for us though.

“Do you want to eat school food?” Jack asked.

We all laughed.

“Besides,” Jack said. “We’re picking her up early.”

I smiled, and so did my father. I was really lucky to have a normal life now, and I couldn’t imagine a better life.

There is nothing better than peace and love to mark a truly rich life.
