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She should be mine. Only mine,the deepest corner of his heart announced, aided by his arrogance.

And how he could bring it about danced vaguely at the back of his mind. A solution would tie a bow around two of his dilemmas.

“You can ask me whatever you want,” she said, her nose held high as if she was granting him a favor, unaware of the scheming his libido and his brain were doing together, “and I’ll do my best to give you a truthful answer.”

“Wow, and you think you’re not a hard-nosed businesswoman? I don’t want the most truthful answer, Yana. I just want the truth.”

She frowned. “I have a pretty big thing to ask of you, so fine.”

“Where do you disappear to in the evenings after Zara goes to bed? The whole damned staff knows but won’t tell me. Loyalty to Ms. Reddy and all that. I should fire Ahmed because I think he’s the one heading up that rebellious campaign.”

The easy humor of two minutes ago evaporated and a heart-twisting vulnerability shone in her eyes. “Don’t fire anyone on my behalf.”

“Then tell me what you’re doing.”

Yana knew he was only joking—his staff was his family, so she should keep this particular truth close to her heart. But that reckless, defiant part of her wanted to tell him and test him and...

“You’re scaring me,habibi. And that has happened only twice in my entire life. What secret is so dark and deep that you look like I’m asking you for a piece of your soul?”

With one perceptive sentence, he’d disarmed her all over again. “It costs a piece of my soul to tell you.”

“Let’s make you feel better, then. What do you want from me in return?” he asked, knowing that in that moment, he’d give her anything she asked for. It was only the high of good sex, he told himself, but the claim felt hollow.

Her face glowed from within as she softly whispered, “I want to read the advanced copy of your next two novels.”

His chest warmed at the childlike fascination that made her eyes glitter like priceless gems. “That’s it?” he teased and then said, “Done.” Pulling her to him, he kissed the tip of her nose. “Now, give it up,habibi.”

Her chin lifted and a new kind of light shone from her. He was a writer but he had no words to describe the exquisite expression in her eyes. It was hope but brighter, shinier, more radiant.

“I’m writing a book. It’s actually the second in a series and I think it’s good. Like, really good. I also wrote a fantasy horror that’s based on Indian mythology in the last few years. Thaata used to tell me all the scariest stories, you know? He used to say I was the only one among the three of us sisters who didn’t scare easily.” Pride he’d rarely seen danced in each word. She drew in a fast, shallow breath as if she couldn’t stop talking now that she’d started. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I had quite a rigorous discussion with your editor Samuel earlier tonight. I kinda ran the premise by him and he said he’d take a look at the book. How fantastic is that? Which reminds me that I should thank you for inviting me to today’s gathering and—”

He laughed then and tackled her onto the bed until they were all tangled up in each other and the sheets, and there was nowhere she could escape to. He didn’t remember the last time he had laughed so much, when listening to another person had brought him such joy, when he had felt such an overpowering rush of tenderness that he couldn’t think straight.

“What’s happening?” she said on a husky moan, when he covered her with his own body.

Ya, Allah, she fit so well against him—all soft curves and prickly edges and silky skin and sleek flesh and trembling thighs and tremulous moans. And those big, dazzling eyes reflecting everything she felt straight at him.

“You’re so adorably sexy when you talk about your deepest dreams that I’ve been overcome by uncontrollable lust once again,habibi,” he whispered at her ear and then followed it up with the filthiest words he could speak to her.

She blushed even though she didn’t fully understand him and then those sleek legs converged around his back and she was lifting her hips up and Nasir ground his erection into her with no self-control.

A trail of damp kisses followed from her mouth, licking and nipping at his flesh. With one hand, she tugged up her T-shirt and through his silk pajama bottoms, he could feel the heat radiating off her sex. Pressing herself up against him, she writhed with a wanton pleasure that had his rock-hard length twitching.

“Please, Nasir. Now.”

He took her mouth in a gentle kiss. “You will be sore,habibi. It might hurt a little.”

“But after it passes, you’ll make me scream with ecstasy, won’t you? Twice at least.”

And then without waiting for his response, she pushed down his pajamas and freed his shaft and then he was there at the center of her sex.

Reaching for a control he wasn’t sure he possessed anymore, Nasir played with her soft core. Stroked her own wetness all over her until she was moaning his name like a symphony. Taking it slow with his fingers, letting her get used to him all over again. With all the skill he had, he teased her over and over and only when she began to fall apart, calling out his name, did he slide himself into her.

Slumbering heat built and built in his spine as he went slow and deep and shifted her pelvis up until he could hit a different spot and she was moaning that she couldn’t go again. But he saw the need and greed in her beautiful face and he hit that spot over and over again, dragging his abdominal muscles over her sensitive nub and it was all an erotic tango that made his muscles clench and sweat bead all over his skin. When she screamed in pleasure and went over the edge again and buried her teeth in his pectorals, he followed her and fell apart along with her in a way he hadn’t allowed himself in a long, long time.

After they’d showered, despite her complaints that she wanted to sleep, and he’d fed her pieces of crisp apples and cheese and nuts, she’d wrapped herself around him like a vine. When he’d tried to give her a little space, she crawled back to him and over him, limbs akimbo, aggressive and prickly even in sleep.

When he held her against his chest, she kept throwing her legs and arms around. And when he finally got her to settle down with a long, drugging kiss, she mumbled sleepily that she’d thought it would be like this, that she’d known that it would be him. That he was worth the wait.

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