Page 65 of You Are Enough

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“I saw you leave, and I wanted to come talk to you.” Tristan sat next to her. “I don’t know what Adler’s doing, but I can tell you he misses you.”

Leila kept her eyes on the ground. It didn’t seem to her like he missed her. “I don’t know if I believe that.”

“Look.” Tristan gently placed his hand on her leg. “He told me what happened, what you said to him. He was hurt. He still is. I’ve never seen him like this before. He’s never cared for anyone as much as he does you, so he’s never been hurt like this either.”

Leila’s heart tore into a million pieces, and she had no clue how to piece it back together. Her words had forced him away, and he seemed pleased with where he was now. “I saw him earlier with Desiree. They looked like they picked up where they left off.” Heat grew in her chest. “I know what I said was hurtful, and I wish I could take it back, but if he’s happy . . .”

Stacey sat next to her and grabbed her hand. “He and Des aren’t together. I’m sure she’d like to be, but he’s not interested in her. They’re just friends.”

She glanced at Stacey. “A friend who just spent five-hundred dollars on something she could do for free.”

“Look, I’m sure he’d accept your apology if you give it. I know he misses you.” Tristan stood. “That’s all I wanted to say.”

“Thank you,” Leila said in a soft voice.

Stacey squeezed her hand before they left.

Leila watched them until they disappeared around the corner, then stood. She needed to stop feeling sorry for herself and get back to the auction. She pushed her shoulders back and took one step, then stopped. Frozen to the spot. Adler had just walked out of the tent, and their eyes met.Go talk to him, Leila.She coaxed herself and put a shy smile on her face. Before she lost her nerve, she walked to him at a fast pace. “Adler. Can we talk?”

His face was void of emotion.

“Please?” She was close enough that she closed her hand over his bicep. A tingle shot through her, and her gaze fell on his eagle tattoo. She brushed her fingers over it and suddenly became desperate. She squeezed his arm lightly. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. What I said was mean and so wrong.” She was rambling, she knew it, but she was scared if she didn’t get what she wanted to say out quickly, something would stop her. She squeezed his arm a little more. “I don’t know why I said you wouldn’t make a good father. I was . . .”

Adler pulled away. “I know why you said what you said. You don’t believe people can change.” He shook his head, and a shadow went over his brown eyes. “No matter how much I tried to convince you I cared for you, you didn’t believe it. I want you to know that we weren’t a game to me. I thought we were real.” His eyes were glistening under the lights, and he tipped his head up and sighed deeply.

The sight broke Liela’s heart. She had this handsome and sweet guy upset because of how she’d treated him. She had never been on this side of things before. “Adler, I know you caredfor me. I was just stupid and insecure. You’re so amazing, and I didn’t understand what you could see in me when you could have anyone . . .”


Leila jerked her head to the side. It was Desiree. Just the woman who didn’t need to be there.

“Hi, Leila.” Desiree’s concerned eyes bounced back and forth between Adler and Leila.

Leila pressed her lips together. “Hi.” Her voice was a barely audible whisper.

“Good, I guess you paid, Des? We gotta go.” Adler’s eyes never left Leila’s and shot daggers into hers.

There was no way she would ever repair her heart now. “Adler, please. We really need to talk.” Emotions choked her. He couldn’t walk away. Not now.

He shook his head. “I’m done here. Nothing else here is important.” He gestured with his head. “Come on, Des.”

Desiree’s brow was creased. “Adler, maybe you should stay. Clear things up.”

He let out a heavy sigh, and his words were harsh. “Stay if you want. I’m leaving.” He walked away and didn’t look back.

Liela looked at Desiree as tears fell from her eyes.

“Leila, I’m sorry. I’ll talk to him.” Desiree gave her a quick hug and followed behind him.

She didn’t want to stay and watch them walk away together, so she took a deep breath and entered the tent. She needed to find Skylar and head home.

The drive to his house seemed longer than usual, and Adler turned up the radio loud. He wished he was on his motorcyclegoing ninety around the sharp curves toward his house. That always calmed him, but instead he had to be okay with the wind blowing his hair because he had the top down to his Mustang. When he’d left Desiree at her car, they’d made a date for her riding lesson and trail ride. He wasn’t looking forward to it. He didn’t really enjoy today at all.

When he’d pulled up to the fair, the first person he saw was Desiree, and she’d asked him to help her carry her baskets of baked goods to the tent for the silent auction. He was planning on spending the day with Tristan and Stacey, but getting rid of Desiree was more difficult than he’d expected. Unfortunately, she seemed to want to be with him again, but that was the last thing he wanted. Then seeing Leila made him automatically flirt more with Desiree.

Idiot. Now you led Desiree on and didn’t allow Leila to apologize.You’re a dumbass.

Chapter 28

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