Page 7 of Sonata of Lies

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I don’t know what to say, so I just nod and turn on the car. And, at some point between the exit gate and the coffee drive thru, I lace my fingers with hers over the center console.

I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing. Or what the fuck this is. Or if it’s even a good idea.

The part of me that can’t trust a damn thing is waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The part of me that’s been waiting a lifetime for something like this doesn’t fucking care.



I fucking knew it.

I knew things were too good to be true.

I’ve been ignoring the way Clara keeps having secretive conversations on her phone, ducking away when she sees me or anyone else approaching. I figured it was probably Roxy, which wouldn’t be a problem. I’ve had the woman checked and she’s clean as can be.

So I’m doing my best to not explode with the sudden rage and betrayal I’m feeling as I watch Clara sneak out of her room at 1:30 in the goddamn morning. She’s the most obvious at it, too—glancing around, ducking into shadows, carefully tiptoeing just out of sight of the cameras she’s clearly mapped out ahead of time.

I’ll have to rearrange those.

Something kept me unsettled in bed. I couldn’t stop tossing and turning. I even tried jacking off to the hot moment we shared in the car earlier today, but no such luck. My dick wants what itwants and now that it knows how incredible Clara feels, my hand just isn’t enough anymore.

So it’s when I stormed out of my room in frustration that I spotted the treacherous little nymph slinking through the shadows and out of the main courtyard.

I should sound the alarm.

I should have my men tackle her at the gate.

Or… I could follow her and see where the hell she thinks she’s going.

I trace her movements through the darkness. I tell myself I’m only handling this without getting the guards involved because I want to see where the security around the compound needs to be improved before Clara’s next escape attempt.

And I know there’s going to be a next attempt. Willow is sound asleep in her room, which means Clara’s probably doing a test run before going for the full sprint. I just want to see how far she’ll map it out—and how stupid she plans on being when they’re marooned out in the middle of the damn desert.

When she scales the wall, I pause. I’m actually impressed.

I wait until she’s gone, then I’m over the wall after her. A hundred yards ahead of me, Clara tiptoes down the road.

Something large and dark sits beneath a Joshua tree. She tiptoes up to it, then opens a side door and slides in.

It’s a car.

With a man sitting in the driver’s seat.

The dimming light shows them talking, Clara nervously glancing around. She doesn’t see me or she would be falling over herself trying to flee the vehicle by now.

She should. If she knows what’s best for her, she should get out of the fucking carnow.

The light fades. Now, they’re in total darkness. Together. In a car.

I swear to God, if that thing starts rocking?—

But then she’s back out and carefully shutting the door so it doesn’t slam and make a loud noise. I duck behind another tree to stay out of sight, though she’s too focused on where she’s going to look up and see me.

I’m seething. My fists are clenched so hard, my nails bite into my skin. I want to shake her like a ragdoll and ask what thefuckshe thinks she’s doing. But I need to wait until she’s within range.

She gets closer… closer… closer…
