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Pleasure rolled over me in waves, and I couldn’t make it stop. Didn’twantit to stop.

And when Cam interlocked our fingers, bringing us to climax at near the same time, I thought I might live in the moment forever.

No matter what happened next, I didn’t want to let him go.

After we’d cleaned up, Cam’s t-shirt once again covering my body, we were back in bed, cuddling.

I’d never pegged this man as one before this weekend, but he was a grade-A cuddler. Adding it to the list of things I hadn’t expected from him, I quickly settled on the realization that it was growing more rapidly by the day. He was nothing like I expected. Maybe that was why I’d said yes to him in the first place.

“Will you come with me?” He asked against my hair, running his fingers through the strands.

“What?” I flicked my eyes up to his.

“Skiing. Tomorrow. Will you go? Please?”

“I don’t know… It’s been a long time.” It wasn’t like I didn’t like it, but I was apprehensive about going up again. People always said it was like riding a bike, but… I wasn’t exactly the most graceful on my feet. And after my mom’s accident, I was more than apprehensive about it. Physical activity and me didn’t really get along. The treadmill at the gym was dangerous enough.

“I’ll hold your hand the whole time,” he promised.

“Why?” I couldn’t hold back my blush.

“Because I want to. Because I don’t want to be apart from you.” Cam snuggled into me, burying his nose in my hair. “Because I want to hold your hand as we ride up the chairlift and to see your face light up as we fly down the mountain.”

“Okay.” I couldn’t deny him anything, after all.

And maybe I should have said something, should have slowed us down. This was all moving so fast, wasn’t it? We’d gone from hooking up to spending every minute together in a flash. And yet, I didn’t want to stop it.

So… I didn’t. I just snuggled deeper into his arms, falling into sleep the same way I was falling into him.

“Are you sure about this?” I asked, staring down the mountain. I’d rented skis and equipment in the morning, and after going down the kiddie hill—several times—I’d finally felt confident in going down one of the beginner slopes.

As Cam had promised, he held my hand the entire ride up the chairlift, and though we weren’t actually holding hands now—mostly because of the poles I had a death grip on—hehadstuck by my side.

“Everything will be fine,” he promised. “I’m not going to abandon you.”

It didn’t feel like he was talking about skiing.

“Okay.” I nodded, staring down the mountain.

He helped secure the goggles to my face before nodding at me. “Ready?”

Confirming my skis were clicked in properly, I took a deep breath, staring down the hill to the lodge below.

“Ready,” I confirmed, pushing off with my poles.

The wind whipped around me as we made our way down the hill, gliding in large, swooping motions over the snow.

Other skiers flew right by us, but I didn’t mind.

The adrenaline rush brought a smile to my face, even as I felt the nip of the cold at my cheeks. It was like we were flying down the mountain, and I let out a giggle as we soared.

“Have fun?” Cam asked at the bottom as I shoved the goggles up my eyes.

“Wanna go again?” I asked, feeling appropriately breathless.

He laughed. “Yes. Glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

I nodded enthusiastically, trying to take a step towards him, but between the skis and everything, I practically tripped on the air, stumbling into Cam’s open arms.

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