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“If you want it.” I lowered, untying the rope at her feet. As I removed her heels, she stepped down, only to kneel, becoming level with me. Her head bowed and she leaned forward, resting her head against my chest. Her fingers pulled at my jacket, brining me in closer.

“I want it. I would…love to live here with you.”

I took off the gloves and cupped her face, making her look at me. “Good, because I’ve already had your stuff moved in. Slade helped, of course.”

A broken sob had her turning more into me and I drew her face toward mine, letting our lips connect and massage into each other’s until I couldn’t stop the hunger from breaking through the tenderness. “From here on out, it’s me and you, baby girl. Our life begins now. Whatever we want. First, I think there’s something we need to get out of the way.”

Gray eyes rose to mine. “Yes,” she whispered. “I’m ready. Show me everything.”

Chapter 49



The dim light that surrounded us gave way to only three main things — cuffs mounted next to the back wall, a large X that rested to the right, and a black leather table with three red straps over the top of it, to the left. Tools aligned the wall next to the X, and toys and candles rested on a shelf just to the side of the table. At the sight, I couldn’t stop the excitement that slammed into me. This was my Master’s deepest desires, what he loved above all else when it came to sex. and he was finally going to share it with me.

As I lowered to my knees in the center of the room, I bowed my head and waited for his instruction. Would he put me in the cuffs, something I knew to be his favorite thing? Or would he take a new route tonight?

“I’m not going to start off slow or try to break you into what I want. I think you’re already. Our trust in each other is going to be what we’ll use. You know what to do if it becomes too much. Let me hear you agree before we start.”

I blinked past what I knew was about to come. This wasn’t going to be easy missionary style stuff. The taste in the alley, the night with the wax when he told me he liked when I fought, it was all meant to prepare me for what was to come. And I knew it wasn’t going to be tame, like some of the other stuff he’d done with me. I had to be completely sure. And I was.

“I agree.”

Without acknowledgement, the lights suddenly went out, leaving me in absolute darkness. My head shot up and I felt my eyes go wide. Movement ceased to exist. Table, toys…nothing remained of the once room that hinted of sex. The only thing I knew was me—my deep breathing, brought on by fear, the hair that tickled my face from the strands that continued to escape, and…God, the rope that kept my hands from being able to defend myself. I swallowed hard, pulling at the hemp, knowing it was pointless to try to break free. The knots were too tight and he wanted me to have a reason to fight. I saw the way he stared at the training I continued to do. What wicked thoughts he must have harbored while seeing me try to protect myself, fantasizing on what he could be doing to me if he had been on the other side.

I nearly moaned at the thought, but instincts had me pushing to my feet. Staying low was critical. As I moved across the room, I tried to stay as quiet as possible. It didn’t take long for my senses to heighten and the thrill of the situation to make me grow wet. Although I knew pain would come at some point, I thrived under the new pressure. We both may have never have to use our skills again against anyone else, but here, we had our release. Him, for the skilled killer that lived within. Me, the survivor. I suddenly realized that he’d feared me experiencing this…but he was so wrong. I needed this as much as he did. Here, I was safe. With him, I could be the real me. The one I hid from the world.

My bound hands came out in front of me and I pointed my fingers out, feeling for the wall I knew lay ahead somewhere. Clinking had me jerking them back as I recalled the cuffs hanging from the large X on the right side of the room. I cursed myself for not being as low as I had assumed. I turned, heading in the other direction. Out of nowhere, arms locked around me from behind and I stomped my foot down, turning and using my bound arms to aim for where I assumed his stomach was. A hand grabbed my wrists and fingers locked in my hair, pulling me forward. Lips crushed into mine and I yelped at the hard pull.

“Good, but not good enough, slave.” He let go of my hand and I cried out at the fire that raced over my spanked ass. “I could fucking have you right here. Is that what you want?” Fingers gripped my flesh and he used it to bring me more into his cock. I didn’t answer as I pushed hard against his chest and tucked back. The air left my lungs as I hit the ground, but I immediately began rolling away. The moment I got back to my feet, I brought my hands back out and walked at a faster pace. It felt like forever before I came into contact with a wall. I slid down, twisting my arms inside of the rope. I almost gasped as it gave way and more space became available. I wiggled faster and knew I was making too much noise, but I was too close to being free. Hands hit the wall above me and my surge forward had the ropes falling to my fingers. I did the only thing I knew. I wrapped it around both of my palms, leaving enough in the middle to use as a weapon.

“My safeword also applies to you, right?” I spoke, but continued to move around the room as I said it.

“Oh, I won’t be needing a safeword, slave. But if it makes you feel better, sure.”

I tried not to smile. Maybe I shouldn’t have been enjoying myself so much, but for once, I was truly free and I loved it.

My shoulder connected with the wall and I stepped back, right into another. I spun, shooting my hands up, but it wasn’t where I had intended. Zain grabbed the rope and with one pull and the hemp burned my palms. Before I knew it, my plan was being reversed. I reached for the pressure that shot around my neck and moved with him as he led me forward. The wetness of his tongue traced over my lips, even as the rope tightened. Rules ceased to exist in that moment. My hands came up to his neck and I pulled him in harder, adding my own pressure, but not to his throat…to the pressure point that had him jerking back from pain.

I broke free, only to be tackled to the ground. We hit hard and he pulled the rope free, covering my body with his. Fabric from the split in my dress tore under his hands. The sound of his buckle was like music to my ears, and I grabbed his face, kissing him as he began to tear at his own clothes. Just when I thought we were about to start something even hotter, he disappeared. I pushed to my knees and my hand flew up as the light came back on. By the time I adjusted, I barely caught his nude, powerful body stalking toward me. His hand shot out and he pulled me up, spinning me around to unzip my dress. My bra was unfastened with a snap of his fingers, leaving me even more impatient for us to continue.

“Take it off and go to the cross.”

With a whoosh, my dress and bra fell to the ground. I didn’t have to be told what the cross was. But with each step, I felt the fear coming back. Not from what he’d do, but from the unknown. I pushed it away and came to stand before it. I was only able to stare for a few seconds before his hand pressed on the middle of my back, leading me forward.

“Hands up, feet apart.”

I obeyed and stood still as he placed the cuffs around each of my limbs. I reached up, gripping the length of chain that would come to hold me captive to his darkness.

Leather traced up the back of my thigh and I closed my eyes, waiting for whatever it was my Master needed. The path led over my ass and up the small of my back, only to double down and head back to my other thigh. Over and over, he let me get used to the tool he’d chosen. When I completely relaxed, I felt it disappear and then come down over my ass with a bite I hadn’t expected. I tensed and let the sting register. Another followed. And another, right next to the first two. I gasped as the fourth connected.

“Oh, slave. Only in my dreams have I ever gotten this far.” A hand trailed down my side and I felt him lower, placing his lips against the dull throb. At the swirl of his tongue, I gripped tighter to the chains.

“Arch your hips for me, baby girl.”

I didn’t have to hear the command twice. The moment I gave him full access to my pussy, his mouth sucked onto my folds. I cried out, moving the slightest bit as his tongue flicked over my clit, repeatedly. Deep breaths left me and the burn that took over was one I needed more of, but was quickly denied.

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