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“Za-in.” My name came out broken as her eyes closed and more tears spilled out.

Saul’s finger splayed and his fingertips pushed in, gripping the fabric of her loose, light blue dress. Mary began noticeably shaking as she let out an angry groan. It was followed by more sobs.

“Let her go. This is between me and you. No one else.”

“Wrong,” Saul snapped in English. “When one becomes the enemy, everyone they’re connected to is fair game. I believe this would be sorely missed if it were taken away. What do you think?” His hand rubbed over her stomach again and Mary tried to move to the side. The shift had her gasping. Blood ran down her neck and I stepped in closer, moving my barrel up and down, trying to find a shot that would work. Where he stood, there was no way I could take him out without risking Mary’s life. One wrong move and she could be dead.

I answered back, speaking loud in case Slade was listening. “You hurt that baby and so help me, I won’t be the only one gutting you alive. You taking her might have been your biggest mistake. You won’t make it out of this room. You have to know that.”

“They killed Caleb,” Mary said, crying harder. “They—” Her voice diminished at my uncle angling the knife to where she had to lift her neck. More blood escaped, soaking down into the high collar of the dress. Saul spun them slightly, dropping the knife from her throat and pulling out a gun. I moved with their direction, keeping my aim and watching where he had his.

“You’re wrong. You’re the one who’s going to die. As for her,” his hand gripped into her stomach making her cry out, “she’s going to send a message to your new friend that you don’t mess with Saul Amari and get away with it.”

Chapter 45


“That’s all you saw?”

The detective’s deep voice was drowned out by my worry for my brother. He held his phone, pale, completely still. I nodded. “Yes. I know nothing. Please, excuse me.” I was already walking away as my words flowed from my mouth mindlessly. Slade’s arm shot out to Marcio, fisting his coat.

“Get Gaige on the phone now. I need to talk to him.” Panic laced his words and he broke from Marcio, rushing toward the exit of the Emergency Room. I followed behind, staying silent as Brace moved in close.

“Mr. Roberts, you need to stay here while I get the car. It’s safer that way.”

Slade’s gray eyes darkened as they snapped our way. “Safer? Fuck, safer. That son of a bitch has Mary and I’m going to kill him.”

I didn’t need to ask who. We all knew who was responsible for the events that had gone down. Air would barely come as I thought of Mary being in Saul’s clutches. I jogged behind Slade as he ran for the car. He seemed oblivious to everything but what he was hearing on the phone. The power locks clicked and I followed Slade as he climbed in the back.

“No, you stay.” His hand came out to stop me from getting in and I slapped it away.

“Don’t you tell me to stay. I know Zain is the one who called you and I’m going.”

“Boss.” Marcio got in the driver’s seat, reaching back to hand Slade his phone. I climbed in at the distraction and Slade gestured to Brace, who was already pulling out his laptop from the passenger seat.

“Hurry up with that fucking address.” My brother lifted the phone to his other ear and squinted before he began talking. “Gaige, I need you.”

There was a moment of silence and my brother lowered his head. His shoulders sagged and I froze as I prepared myself for him to break down completely. So many emotions filtered across his profile while he stared down at the floor. All I could think about was how I was invading what should have been a private moment between him and this agent.

“Saul Amari has my wife and Zain is the only one there to help her. I can hear what’s going on and…he’s threatening to kill Zain and my child to send a message.”

Bile burned my throat and I gripped the handle of the door with everything I had. Saul would do it. I knew he would. Something told me if Zain could have killed him, he would have already. There was something holding him back, but what?

Slade’s head flew up. “Address, now!”

“Working on it, boss.”

Deep breaths were coming from my brother and he shifted. “I think I just heard a shot. I’m not sure. There was something. Maybe a bang on the wall? Fuck, I don’t know! The connection keeps breaking up.” He went to say something but hesitated. “How long?”

Brace’s head turned in our direction. “They’re at Zain’s.”

“Address,” my brother bit out.

As Brace told him and my brother repeated it to Gaige, I went over the layout of Zain’s place. Were they downstairs? Upstairs? Were they going to see us pulling up? Had someone been shot or were they fighting? So many question spun wildly in my mind.

Tire’s squealed as Marcio left the parking lot and floored it in the direction of Zain’s. Like my brother, I couldn’t sit still. If something happened to Zain or Mary, neither of us would ever be the same.

“See you there.” Slade hung up and dropped Marcio’s phone at his feet. He pulled back the other, hitting the speakerphone button. Silence.

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