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But the hall isn’t empty. Andi skids to a halt halfway down. Not expecting her sudden deceleration, I slam into her, sending us both a few steps closer to the tableau before us.

At the far end, the Grand Duchess stands with her back to us, hands on her hips in a pose that looks strange in her designer gown. “What did you say?” Ice drips from her tone, daring the object of her anger to keep silent.

Teo stands a few feet away, mirroring her stance. Beyond him, Eduard, Victoriana, Ronald, two beautiful young women, and an older couple watch avidly.

Teo lifts his chin. “I said no.”

I open my mouth, then close it again. Even I know better than to interrupt an argument between the local monarch and her nephew. Andi grabs my bicep and steers us both behind a big set of armor.

At the movement, the monarch whips around. She spots us immediately and glares at Andi. “I thought you left! You are no longer welcome here.”

Andi crosses her arms but doesn’t say anything. What can she say? If the queen says you aren’t welcome in her palace, you don’t really have a choice, do you? I cast a quick glance behind us, but there aren’t any guards hurrying in with their lances out.

The Grand Duchess’s gaze falls on me. “And you!” Her eyes spear into mine, but she turns away without continuing, as if speaking to me is beneath her.

Anger burns in my chest. Who does she think she is? The sane part of my mind reminds me she is the head of state here, and just because Americans consider ourselves equal to everyone doesn’t mean this country follows suit. I suck in some air, trying to master my temper. Andi’s fingers bite into my arm, and when I look at her, I can’t tell if she’s hoping I’ll maintain control or praying I’ll explode.

Teo doesn’t seem to have noticed me. His entire being is focused on his aunt. “I will not be part of your negotiations, Madame. Not without my input and consent. Last time I checked, the Freiberg constitution had an article forbidding slavery.”

“Arranging a marriage is not slavery!” the Grand Duchess spits out.

A marriage? The fury in my chest twists like a knife into an unexpected spear of betrayal and doubt. Does Teo want to marry someone?

“It is when one of the participants has no choice.” Teo’s voice is soft, reasonable. His hands have fallen from his hips, and he takes a step closer to his aunt. “I’m sorry to upset your plans for world domination, but I won’t be your pawn. And I doubt Selina would want a reluctant husband.” He gestures at the huddled audience without looking at them. The redhead opens her mouth, but the older woman shushes her.

Teo’s gaze travels to me. “And I have my own plans.”

The burn of betrayal shifts again, into wonder that squeezes the air from my chest. I can’t breathe. Did Teo just say he wants to marry me?

No, that can’t be right. We haven’t even kissed. I must be imagining things. My crazy heart starts beating again, so fast I feel like I might take off and fly straight down this hall into Teo’s arms.

Chapter Thirty-Three


I stand before the Grand Duchess, trying to control my breathing so I don’t pass out. I’ve never stood up to her before in quite this way, and certainly not with an audience. I’ve always been the responsible one—the faithful servant, as she likes to say. But I can’t be faithful in this.

Not when my future stands right over there, with Andi, hiding between a potted palm and the armor of Sir Marcel of Stozec.

The Grand Duchess stares me down, then turns to her guests. “Perhaps we should return to the Gala. We can refrain from making any announcements at this time.” She flicks a glance at me. “We will discuss the negotiations later.”

Emboldened by her docility, I turn to the count and countess and bow. “I’m sorry, but there is nothing to negotiate as far as I’m concerned. I am not available. I’m sure you can come to some other suitable arrangement for Selina.” I take the girl’s hand. “I’m sorry you were misled.”

“Me, too.” She cracks a smile and squeezes my fingers, then leans a little closer. “I had no idea you weren’t involved in the discussions. I won’t be foisted on a reluctant husband!” She darts a glare at her parents.

Her Royal Highness ignores this interchange. “There’s no reason for us to skulk in the hallway. Eduard, you will escort the ladies. Come.” She sweeps past me, throwing one last glare my way. When she reaches Sir Marcel’s armor, she looks away, pointedly ignoring Andela and Eva.

Eddie offers his elbows to the two sisters and saunters by, a gloating grin on his smarmy face. I’m not sure what he’s gloating over—I’m the one who won.

Victoriana bites her lip and pats my arm. “I hope that wasn’t a mistake.”

Ronald grins. “It was magnificent!” His eyes glow as he offers me a hand. “I will be proud to be your cousin-in-law.”

I shake his hand, bemused. Ronald slaps me on the shoulder, then Victoriana pulls him away. I barely notice as they disappear down the long gallery—my attention is on Eva. She hovers behind Andela, still in the shelter of Sir Marcel’s silver mace. Andela gives her a little push toward me, then follows the others out the door.

I move toward her, my heart still pounding, but for a different reason this time. The air seems to catch in my throat, and I have to clear it twice before I can get anything out. “Hi.”

“Hi.” She stands before me, her gaze flitting from my face to the floor. I’ve never seen Eva like this. She’s always so confident and self-assured. Bold and strong in a way that makes me feel bold and strong. But her suddenly timid attitude has the same effect. It makes me want to protect her. “I’m sorry you had to hear all that.”

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