Page 96 of Maybe Baby

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“Yes, my name is Tylar Preston. I’m here to see Trey Sinclair,” I stated as if I had every right to interrupt his day.

“Is Mr. Sinclair expecting you?” she asked.

I’m quite certain he’s not.

“I don’t have an appointment, no,” I responded.

She didn’t like me, I could tell. I didn’t care, I was here to say what I needed to say to Trey, and then leave. If he chose not to see me without an appointment, so be it. She picked up the phone and dialed Trey’s assistant.

“Yes, Tonya this is Debbie. There's a Ms. Tylar Preston at reception to see Mr. Sinclair. She doesn’t have an appointment.”

I waited, tapping my foot as if my time was far more important than any of theirs. I liked it. A few moments later Debbie got a look of surprise on her expertly made-up face.

“Oh, very well. Yes I'll tell her. Thank you.”

She looked at me with a fake smile.

“Mr. Sinclair’s assistant will be with you momentarily to take you to his office. Can I offer you any refreshment, coffee, juice, or water?”

“I’m fine thank you,” I replied.

Several moments later, as predicted, another young impeccably dressed and coifed brunette came to reception.

“Ms. Preston?” she asked, holding her hand out to me. “I’m Tonya, Mr. Sinclair’s assistant. How are you?”

“I’m well, thank you, Tonya.”

“If you'll come this way, please.”

I followed Tonya down a wide marbled hallway that curved several times. There were rows of doors lining each side of the hallway. We finally reached one that had Trey’s name embossed in gold on the door, which she held open for me, standing aside. This was her office, and beyond, there was another heavy wooden door. “You may go on in, Ms. Preston. Mr. Sinclair is expecting you.”

My courage was quickly fading. What was I doing here? It was one thing to be brave and bold when those sapphire blue eyes weren’t piercing through me. Suddenly, my legs felt like rubber. I can do this, I repeated to myself, making my way over to his door, my heels sinking into the deep carpet.

My hand trembled as I turned the doorknob and stepped into his inner sanctum. Those magnificent blue eyes were immediately upon me as I crossed the threshold, closing the door behind me. He stood up from his massive desk, dressed impeccably in a custom-tailored suit. In a stride, he stood before me. I wasn’t sure if I should offer my hand for a handshake, realizing instantly that this wasn't what Trey had in mind. His arms were around me, pulling me against his strong, hard body. His hands cupped my face, looking at me with those magnificent blue orbs.

I was taken aback. This wasn't the reception I had anticipated. My heart fluttered. The butterflies in my stomach that had been left for dead were suddenly resurrected. He lowered his head to mine. I felt his warm lips on mine, kissing me with a fervor that left me breathless. I couldn't let this happen. This wasn't the reason that I came downtown to Trey’s office. I gently pushed Trey back, fighting the urge to throw myself on his desk and have him do me right then and there.

“Stop please,” I said, trying to catch my breath.

He released his hold on me, gazing down at me with a look I could only describe as fear.

“I came here to talk to you; Denise told me that you were upset.”

His eyes turned to blue steel in that moment. He motioned me over to take a seat in front of his desk as he retreated to his chair behind his desk. Okay, we were going to play lawyer-client now.

“Please sit down, Tylar,” he said coolly, taking his seat.

He rested his elbows on the desk in front of him, clasping his hands together on the desk, resting his chin on them and continued observing me.

“Trey, I came here to let you know that I'm all right. I’m staying with Gina. I did not run off with Mark. I can’t believe that you'd even think that.”

“Who told you that I thought that?”


“Ray must tell her everything,” he mumbled, looking displeased.

“I won’t have you thinking those kinds of things about me or Mark either. There was nothing between us.”
