Page 75 of Maybe Baby

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We crossed the quiet lobby and entered the elevator. Trey loosened his collar and tie. He was in a suit as though he'd worked today, but it was Saturday. Perhaps his law firm was so stuffy that they required full suits even on weekends. He seemed distracted, maybe he was just tired. Not too tired, I hoped.

The elevator doors opened on the seventh floor and I led him to my room. Trey gave it the once-over approvingly. “Very nice,” he said, taking me into his arms again.

I pulled him past the living room into the bedroom with the king-size bed. “Look at the view of Atlanta from here,” I said, going over to the balcony. “It’s really gorgeous at night isn’t it?”

“The most beautiful thing here is you,” he said, sweetly, wrapping his arms around me as we both looked out over downtown.

“Let’s get ready for bed, okay?” he said softly. I nodded.

“Just give me a few minutes, okay?” I asked. I stepped out of my heels and removed my jewelry. I knew that I was going to need help getting my dress off. I turned to Trey. He looked up at me from the bed.

“Trey, can you please help me out of this dress?” I asked.

He rose up off of the bed, taking my hand. “Come on,” he said, “let’s take this into the bathroom.”

Oh my!

The bathroom was huge, with a double shower. The hotel supplied “his” and “hers” terrycloth bathrobes. Trey started the water and I watched as he removed his clothes, hanging them on a hook to stay dry. He stood before me in his boxers. He turned to me and I presented my back to him so that he could unzip my dress. Once unzipped, he slid his hands inside and lowered my dress so that it slipped to the floor.

I hadn’t worn a bra because the dress had one built in. I wore simply my silk thong, which seemed to surprise and delight Trey. He stood behind me, close enough that I could feel his warm breath on my neck. He cupped my breasts with his beautiful, long-fingered hands, and gently massaged them.

Oh that felt good.

He hooked his finger in the elastic band of my thong and pulled it down, exposing my butt to his gaze. I stepped out of it and turned to face him. His erection was full and strained against his boxer shorts. I boldly hooked my fingers on the waistband of his shorts and tugged them down over his erection past his thighs where they dropped to his feet. He stepped out of them.

His huge erection shocked me, but I didn’t want to appear scared or reluctant because I knew that Trey was sensitive to my complicated sexual past. I was going to have him tonight and whatever monsters or memories still lurked in my subconscious would just have to sit back and watch.

I stood on my toes and kissed Trey, moving my body against his. He took my hand and wordlessly led me to the shower. Trey lathered up one of the washcloths handing it to me. He wanted me to wash him. I ran the cloth over his muscular body, taking delight in rubbing his firm stomach, narrow hips, and tight buttocks. I gently washed his testicles, knowing that this was a very tender area on men. I took his erection in both hands, gently lathering it up with my hands, stroking it up and down until I heard Trey’s sharp intake of breath. I quickly looked up to make sure that I hadn’t hurt him, but I saw pure pleasure on his face.

It was now his turn. He lathered up the other washcloth and started with my breasts. He soaped up each breast, and then moved the showerhead to rinse it, taking his mouth and licking my nipples. He moved the washcloth lower, careful not to pull on my bellybutton ring, which I think he was beginning to find sexy. He washed between my legs, letting his fingers massage the folds of my sex and touching my clitoris softly and sensually. He was making me feel amazing and no dark memories of my mom’s boyfriend haunted me. We rinsed the soap from each other with the hand-held showerheads. The bathroom was fairly steamed up by this time; so were we.

Stepping out, we toweled each other off and put on our bathrobes, then moved to the bedroom. I scrambled onto the bed, pulling the covers back, shedding my robe and diving underneath the crisp sheets. Trey slipped in next to me and pulled me to him. We faced each other and Trey met my gaze.

“Tylar,” he said, quietly but firmly, “I want to make love to you more than anything that I’ve ever wanted. You understand that, right?”

I nodded, hoping I wasn’t about to get a lecture on safe sex. But what he said next was a surprise.

“Before this goes any further, there are some things that you need to know. I’ve been reluctant to be sexual with you out of my concern for you. But you were wrong when you accused me of thinking that you were damaged goods; you're so mistaken about that. I don’t want to cause you any more pain, Tylar, physically or psychologically. I know you're a virgin, and if you want to stop, just say so, okay? All I want is to give you pleasure.”

I nodded. I felt like I was getting a long-winded set of instructions before a mid-term. But, I knew that it was important to Trey that I understood him, and I respected that about him.

He continued, “There has to be trust between us, so please tell me if anything we do brings up bad memories. Promise?”

“I promise, Trey.”

“Finally,” he said, “and this part's a deal breaker. Once we do this, you're mine, do you understand?”

Actually, no, I did not understand. I looked at him incredulously.

“What I mean is that I don’t want you to be with other guys. But I also can't make any permanent commitment to you, not right now.”

This was really killing the mood, and I decided some clarification was in order.

“Just to be clear,” I responded, conjuring my version of lawyer language, “may I summarize my understanding of what you just said in your last point?”

He nodded, “You may...”

“Okay, once we sleep together, you don’t want me being with other guys, right?”
