Page 61 of Maybe Baby

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“Trey, the truth is I'd be grateful for your help with this, that's if you have the time. I know you still have this case you’re working on.”

“It’s not a problem, Tylar. I'll make some calls and request copies on your behalf. You’ll need to sign a statement of representation. I have a form in my briefcase; let me get one for you to sign.” He disappeared momentarily so I went down the hall to Gina’s room, opening the door.

“Call your aunt, Gina, I’m ready,” I said. She nodded.

Trey met me back in my room with the form; I signed it.

“There you go, Trey. I really appreciate your help.”

“No problem at all,” he said, all smooth and silky.

“You go ahead and keep the letter with all of the contact information,” I said, handing him back the envelope. “Just let me know what you find out when you get a chance to contact the firm in Louisville, okay?”

“Sure,” he said, puzzled, “you aren’t still planning to leave are you?”

“Nothing’s changed from 15 minutes ago,” I replied. My heart was broken, but it would mend.

“I want you here,” he stated firmly.

“I understand that, Trey, though I'm not sure why. I mean what's in it for you? It's not like we know each other all that well; hell, it's not like we're even fuck-buddies. I don't really get you, I guess. Maybe it's the age difference, or maybe it's cause you're rich and used to getting what you want even though you're not sure why you want something. I can't hang with that."

He was silent; his face void of expression as if he really couldn't explain his need to have me close either.

I grabbed my suitcase and backpack, heading towards the door. Trey's arms stopped me, pulling me against him.

Oh God! I need to stay strong.

Gina’s timing was perfect. She knocked on the door before coming in on her own. “Tylar, Aunt Becky’s out front waiting.”

I pulled myself away from Trey, grabbing my suitcase and heading to the door. He didn’t try to stop me. Part of me was glad, part of me wasn’t. I couldn’t look back. I knew that if I left, that was the end of us. Whatever "us" was which was pretty fucked-up in itself being that neither Trey nor I had a clue.

Gina met me in the hall, studying my face as we descended the stairway.

“Are you all right?” she asked, concerned.

“Not at the moment,” I answered truthfully.

We got settled in at Gina's aunt's house. The whole upstairs of the Cape Cod house was a finished bedroom and bath. The room was huge with several beds. Gina switched the television on for some distracting noise to break the silence... She finally sat down on one of the twin beds and looked at me.

“Do you want to talk about it, Tylar?”

I shook my head, “I’m not sure what there is to talk about.”

“Listen,” she said. “I’ve got an idea that may take your mind off this bullshit, at least for a couple of days, though we'll need Aunt Becky to clear it.”

“Shoot,” I said.

“We’re going to be done with the stuff at the winery at end of shift Wednesday. Ian will be coming with his pick-up truck to get the cases of wine we're taking back to our club, Sanctuary,” she explained. “Why don’t you plan on finishing out the week, and then getting a bus on Friday after your shift to come to Atlanta and stay with us for a long weekend? Monday is the Fourth of July and then just come back on the bus on Tuesday. You'd only miss one day of work, how about it?”

I considered it for about 10 seconds. “As long as you can clear it with Becky, I’d love to,” I replied. The change would do me good.

“Fantastic!” Gina said. “We'll have a great time. You'll love Ian, and Atlanta.”

“I’m not getting my hopes up until you clear it with Becky,” I reminded her.

“Not to worry,” Gina responded.

