Page 19 of Maybe Baby

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Just then, I heard a female voice speaking to Trey. His attempt to cover the mouthpiece was less than perfect. The voice sounded like Charlotte’s, though it was a bit muffled so I couldn’t be sure. It sounded as if she was saying something to him about dinner being served, did she say “Don’t keep me waiting, baby”?

Holy shit! He wants her to think I'm one of his fucking clients!

Trey shifted his voice back to me, “Are you there?”

“I am,” I replied coolly. “Are you with your non-girlfriend?”

“Never mind that,” he replied brusquely. “As to the matter we were discussing, I want to make sure that you're clear on what I expect and that you'll adhere to your schedule on Monday.”

“Right. Monday,” I repeated. “Yep, I'm clear about Monday, Trey. No worries.”

“Okay, then,” he said. “Please rest up until then?”

“Sure thing Trey,” I said succinctly.

Tomorrow was Friday and I had no plans to “take it easy.” I needed to busy myself with the horses. Since I wasn't officially assigned to the Belle until Monday, I was still technically following the rules. I'd get a good night's rest and be back in action tomorrow.

Unfortunately, a restful sleep wasn't going to happen for me tonight. My earlier reflections of my former best friend Laurie, her mother, Mona, and my mom would come back to haunt me complete with details that I'd long since forgotten. I'd not be forgetting those details anytime soon.


The phone call with Trey left me with a cluttered mind, so I spent the rest of the evening scrubbing the kitchen, bathroom, and dusting every piece of furniture in my cottage. I vacuumed the carpet, shook out all of the area rugs, and Windexed every possible surface. I liked keeping myself busy. I still had a stack of mail piled neatly on the counter. It would have to wait. Finally, exhaustion had won out. I was determined to sleep.

Tossing and turning in my bed, my dream was familiar. It spawned from a memory of when I was 13 years old.

It's a particular Saturday. Mona and Laurie have picked me up from my house to spend the usual Saturday night with Laurie. I've just turned 13 the month before. Laurie is older than me by about six months, but it might as well be six years on this weekend.

We've been hanging out at a video arcade about a block from her house the past few Saturday evenings. Mona lets us walk down there and then she picks us up promptly at 9 p.m. Laurie and I are both interested in boys, but the problem is, we both like the same boy. His name is Kyle; he is fifteen years old and to us, he seems practically all grown up. He lives in the same neighborhood as Laurie, which I feel gives her an unfair advantage over me. I'm okay with competition, but it has to be fair.

Laurie goes into the kitchen after we eat and gives her mom a hug, and then innocently asks if Mona minds if we go to the Video Palace to meet another one of her friends from school, Vanessa. She tells her mom that Vanessa is having her birthday party at Video Palace, and that she wants both of us to be there. The only problem is that Vanessa’s birthday party won’t be over until about 11 p.m. Laurie's good, she even digs into the pocket of her shorts and produces a birthday party invitation that confirms a birthday party is being held this evening, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. for Vanessa Goldman at the Video Palace.

“Well, Jesus Christ,” Mona admonishes, “Why didn’t you let me know before now?”

“I’m sorry, Mom.” Laurie says, looking contrite. “I just wasn’t sure that Tylar would want to go, but she does. We both do, please?”

“Honey, we haven’t bought Vanessa a gift or card or anything? I won’t have folks thinking that we're white trash. You know how I feel about that.”

“Mom, that’s not a problem. Kids our age, they just want money, you know? Besides that, I already bought her a birthday card. All we need to do is slip some money into it.”

Laurie produces what appears to be a brand new birthday card with envelope.

“Well, I guess it’ll be all right,” Mona acquiesces. “You two go get ready while I finish up these dishes. I’ll run you over then.”

Laurie and I run up to her room. I'm elated.

“How easy was that?” Laurie laughs.

“Is there really a Vanessa?” I ask.

“Of course there is,” Laurie replies. “You always use a real name with something like this. And the good part is Vanessa is going to be at Video Palace when we get there. She has used the same story with her parents.” I'm amazed at Laurie’s skillful manipulation.

“Is Kyle going to be there, too?” I question nervously.

“Of course he is, dummy,” she answers. She sees the look of despair on my face.

“Look Ty,” she says, “I know that we both like him. We're best friends, too. There is no way that we should let a boy come between us, right?”

I nod, not sure where this is going.
