Page 170 of Maybe Baby

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“Now Iamtalking out of turn. Forget that I said anything. That could definitely put a crimp in my career.”

“But if it’s common knowledge, how could it?”

“I’m not sure just how common the knowledge is,” Becky replied, “I came up on it with my own two ears, and I’ve never mentioned it. It was a few summers ago, Nigel and Caroline were here for a few weeks. I just happened to be at the right place at the wrong time I guess,” she laughed.

“What do you mean, with your own two ears?”

“I was up in the supply room taking inventory on a Sunday. The place was closed. I heard Nigel and Tristan arguing outside near the stables. That’s how I found out.”

“I’m not telling you any more than that. I swear you're as pushy as Gina in your own way!” Becky pulled into the driveway of her house. I could see their Christmas tree lit up through the window.

“Are you having company today?” I asked.

“Just my nephew, Nate, his wife, and their two kids. She just had a baby three weeks ago.”

When Becky mentioned a newborn I thought about our little baby who'd been extremely quiet since last night’s turmoil. My heart grew heavy wondering if an unborn could feel stress through the mother. I was sure my violent retching hadn't helped matters. I hadn’t eaten since dinner. It was as if Becky had read my mind.

“I have our traditional breakfast casserole just out of the oven. Have you eaten yet this morning, Tylar?”

“Not yet.”

“Good,” she said as we entered her kitchen, “everything’s ready so let’s eat.”

We all enjoyed a blissfully stress-free breakfast together. I was helping Becky clear the plates when I remembered I’d forgotten to text Trey. Checking my phone, I saw that his text to me was brief.

“Where are you??”

I immediately texted him back, letting him know that I was fine and had just gone over to Becky’s. I told him that I felt it might be best if we had some distance today. He responded immediately.

“Distance? WTF?? Is this how you solve problems, Tylar? I'll be right over to get you.”

I knew that Trey was flipping out but I just couldn’t go back right now. I felt relaxed for the first time since Trey’s evil sister-in-law had stepped foot into my life. I needed this break. I texted him back immediately.

“Trey, please. I need to be here right now. I can’t handle the stress at your house with Caroline. I haven’t felt the baby move since all of this happened. I need to relax. I’m starting to flip out over this. Just saying…”

I no sooner sent the text when he called.

“Hey,” I answered.

“Hey,” he said, “I wish you hadn’t taken off like that. Are you okay?”

“I will be if I can just chill out here with Becky today. So far I’m zero for two at your family gatherings, Trey.”

“Yeah, it’s been pretty messed up, I give you that, but running away isn’t the solution either.”

“I’m not running; I’m taking time out from the drama. I’m sorry that you don’t understand that. What time are you leaving for the Andrews’ party tonight?”

“Around seven. Will you be back by then?”

“I don’t think so Trey.”

“So you intend to avoid my family for the rest of the week?”

“I’m not sure what I'm doing at this point,” I explained.

“If it makes any difference, my mother has addressed the issue with both Nigel and Caroline. Mom was livid when she found out what drove you away from here.”

I sighed. Now everyone in the house knew about last night’s humiliating scene. Itdidmake a difference. It made a bad situation worse.
