Page 126 of Maybe Baby

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“I took the liberty of oiling your chair, sir.”

“Thank you, Thatcher,” Trey replied, a devilish grin gracing his lips. I blushed crimson.

Gina idled out front in her aunt’s car. “Hey girlfriend!” she screamed as I got into the passenger side. She reached over, grabbing me for a hug.

“Look at those fucking tits!” she exclaimed. “Yowza! I bet Trey's making those his new playground,” she laughed.

I blushed knowing how close to the truth that was.

“So how's my godchild?” she asked.

“Growing,” I replied, rubbing my baby bump, “Trey and I felt him moving last night.”

“Him?” Gina questioned.

“I don’t know yet, I just refer to it as him. I guess I’m hoping for another Trey,” I said smiling.

“Oh geez, just what the world needs, another control freak!”

“Stop Gina,” I said, laughing a little, “he’s doing better with that,” I lied.

“Well, girlfriend,” she reminded me, “you still need to fill me in—how’d he find out about the baby? Your texts left out a lot of details.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, sincerely, “I know that I owe you more than just text messages. It seems like time flies by, settling in with my job, and now here with Trey for the holiday.” I blushed noticeably and Gina didn’t miss it.

“What—are you two having a regular 24/7 fuck fest?” she asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

“I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy hormones, or the prenatal vitamins that I’m taking, but I swear to God, Gina, I'm so freakin’ horny all of the time.”

“And, that’s a problem for whom?”

“Well, to be honest about it, me,” I answered.


“Because Trey and I don’tlivetogether, obviously. He wants me in Atlanta with him, but I've a plan of my own in Radcliff.”

“Look girlfriend,” Gina said as we pulled into Becky’s driveway, “I’d love nothing more than to have you close by in Atlanta. I get that you have your own plans made, and far be it from me to side with the Hot Nazi. As far as your other issue, there are alternatives.”

“What? I’m not going to be with another man, Gina. For God’s sake, I’m carrying Trey’s baby!” I was appalled that Gina would even suggest something like that.

“You misunderstood me, Ty,” she said laughing. “Hey, today's all about family and stuffing ourselves with turkey. Tomorrow is Black Friday. Let’s go shopping!”

“Yes! Let’s!”

I enjoyed the couple of hours I spent with Gina, Ian, and the rest of Becky’s family. Gina and I agreed she would pick me up the next day around 11 a.m. to do our Black Friday shopping in Bristol. She dropped me back off at the Sinclair’s promptly at 3 p.m. Trey was pacing in the foyer when I walked in. I saw the look of relief cross his face as I approached him.

“Is everything all right, Trey?”

“Yes of course,” he replied, “I was just worried that you wouldn’t make it back in time to change for dinner.”

“Trey,” I said pointedly, “I’ve no intention of changing out of this dress; it’s appropriate. Why are you bringing this up again?” I thought this issue had been put to rest. Thatcher was right there, taking my coat to hang in the guest closet. Trey frowned, once again pissed because he wasn’t getting his way. I climbed the staircase, wanting to freshen up before the guests arrived. The manor smelled of delicious food. Upstairs, the aroma gnawed at my stomach. I ran a brush through my hair. I heard the doorbell ring. I spritzed a bit of my Eternity cologne on then straightened my black dress. I went back downstairs to join Trey. He looked over at me appreciatively as I came down to stand near him. He was simply gorgeous, as usual. It amazed me at how little effort he'd to put into it.

Thatcher opened the front door, greeting the guests. There was an older couple and a younger gentleman who tagged in behind them. I looked up at Trey hoping for some clue as to who the younger man was. His face darkened perceptibly. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair walked across the marble foyer, greeting their guests warmly as Thatcher took their wraps.

“Claudia,” Susan greeted, hugging her friend, “how well you look. How was St. Thomas?”

“Glorious,” the woman answered, returning the hug. “Tess and Zach were along and we had an absolutely festive time! Oh, Nigel and Caroline were with us as well. They send their love.”
