Page 81 of Chaos

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Lexi was right all along. My mother was killed in cold blood by the men I’m madly in love with.


The Hunt Part II


Jade is taking too long in the bathroom. Something is not right; I can sense it. I look at the others and motion for us to find our girl. Leaving the cafeteria and heading to the women’s bathroom I hear sobbing.That better not be her. The door swings open, and Jade collides with Spade. She looks up, tears streaming down her face; she screams, drops her phone, and bolts out of the academy.What the fuck?Dario picks up the phone,

“There’s a video.” pressing play, we see ourselves.Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

“I told you, Jameson, when you’re sneaky, bad things happen.”

“Should have killed her when you had the chance.”

“You failed again, just like Father said.”

“She knows,” I say as we run after her. We ran down the hallway, and I see a ribbon on the floor out of the front doors.She ripped her pigtails out.I see another one just on the edge of the woods.

“Do we have a plan because this is fucked,” Dario says.

“We should have told her, Fuckkkkk.” Spade yells.

“Well, it’s too late now; let’s go get her,” I say. She needs to listen. I know what she saw was hard to watch, but we were fucking forced. We had no fucking choice.

“Remember the hunting game we would play with Amelia?” Spade asks, and we nod in unison.

“Let’s do that, maybe she will calm down and talk to us when we catch her; you know I love the hunt. We should have done this a long time ago with her, I bet she would love to get fucked into the earth.” Spade licks his lips. Dario smacks him upside the head.

“Get your fucking head out of the gutter, she’s hurt, she trusted us and now she thinks we murdered her mother in cold blood.” Dario retorts

“We did, though we had no fucking choice.” I growl.

I yell into the woods.

“One, Two, we’re coming for you.”

We dashed off into the woods. I see her hair whipping in the night not far in front of us. We keep moving, separating so we can circle her.I thought things were finally going to calm down, but The Aces won’t stop. They won’t until we are all dead.

“Jade. You better run faster, Babygirl; you know I love the hunt.” Spade whispers to her left. He’s having too much fun with this; doesn’t he realize she can kill us. She’s a killer just as much as we are. I’m agitated that she didn’t stop and think for a second. She automatically ran. I guess payback is a bitch.

“Come on, Kitten. Come play with us.” Dario taunts. I know she’s scared now, but I’m not sure how we will come back from this. This hurts deep to the core. We know, we lived it.

“You can run, but you can’t hide, Princess,” I yell to the right of her. She knows we’re close. She keeps going, though. I hear a stick break from behind me. The woods are quiet tonight. All you hear is us hunting our prey like wolves.

“Kitten, if you know what’s good for you, you’d stop right the fuck now,” Dario growls. He’s getting madder and madder as we run after her. I can hear it in his voice. He loves her with every ounce of his being. Our fathers fucked everything up for us! Fucking pieces of shit.

“Big bad MC Princess is running from the big bad wolves. It’s so dark in this forest. Are you scared, Princess?” I taunt as I’m a hair away from her, but I look around and don’t see the guys anymore. I was too deep in my head running after this Siren. I didn’t notice they were gone.

“Look, your own brothers can’t stand to be around you.”

“We don’t have much of a choice”

“Such a disappointment.”

I whistle quietly into the night but hear nothing but Jade’s breathing. What the fuck is going on? Suddenly, I’m hit in the neck with something sharp. It knocks me to my knees, and I rip it out, looking at it. It’s a tranq. The woods start to spin, and my vision blurs as a dark figure stands over me, kicking me in the face; I groan.

“Night, night mother fucker.” Then darkness takes over.
