Page 42 of Group Hug

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“Professor,” he replies and then doesn’t seem to know what else to say.

I’ve stepped back from Callum to give him space, but I notice that as I do, he decreases the distance by inching closer to me.

Professor Bates eyes Callum with a very cougar-ish look and then turns her eyes to me. I feel immediately as though I’ve somehow been violated by her thoughts. I don’t like it, and I immediately don’t like her. But I can’t say a thing about it because this isn’t my business.

“So this must be your roommate. Didn’t you imply that you had more than one?”

“Yes, um, sorry, Professor Bates, this is Dr. Weston Alister, my umboyfriend. Our other roommate couldn’t make it.”

Well, that’s something of a new development. I’ve never heard Callum refer to me so formally before—or call me hisboyfriend, and I have to say I kind of love it. I don’t, however, like the look on the professor’s face when she hears it.

“Nice to meet you, Dr. Alister,” she says without reaching a hand in my direction. Her tone of voice implies that meeting me is actually not at all nice. My extended hand is ignored, so I drop it to my side. With a thinly disguised sneer, she turns to Callum, “I was not aware that you had aboyfriend. I’ve only seen you with a few various young ladies on your arm around campus.”

Callum stiffens. “I was not aware that my personal life was in question or had any bearing on my employment, Professor. If it does, then we’re done here.”

“Don’t be so touchy, Callum. All I need you to understand is that the living accommodations upstairs are only suitable for one more person.”

“Does that mean you are going to continue to live here after the renovations are completed?”

“That was my original plan, yes.”

“And you didn’t think it might have been a good idea to give me a heads up that we’d be roommates as well as co-workers?”

“Oh, I have no intention of working here. I’ll be commuting twice a week to Vincennes to continue with my classes there. I’ll only be here in an advisory capacity.”

Finally, I can’t stand it any longer and have to ask her, “Why does this property smell so godawful?”

She stabs me with an irritated look. “The previous tenant was a hoarder, and the place was a pigsty when I took it over. The dumpster will be gone by the end of the week. Not that it’s any of your business.”

“Sorry,ma’am. Callum’s well-being is definitely my business. You see, we love each other.”

The look that crosses her face is priceless. She tries to cover it up, but the disappointment is as obvious as her lip enhancements. She wanted Callum for her boy toy, and her planhas been foiled. I feel rather awful now for Callum as I’m sure he hoped he was asked to work here because of his skills, not his looks. He must be feeling terribly objectified. I scoot even closer to him and rub his arm.

Looking longingly around the kitchen, Callum announces with a sigh, “Too bad. This might be a wonderful kitchen to work in once it’s completed, but I’m not interested in the kind of arrangement you seem to have in mind. I hope you find someone to work for you, but I’m sure you know that a person’s sexuality is private, and it’s illegal to inquire about it as a hiring qualification.”

Professor Bates’s face goes red, and she blusters at us, “I don’t know what you mean by anarrangement. That’s a terrible thing to accuse me of. Shame on you for thinking it!”

“Wouldn’t you only want me here if I weren’t queer?” Callum asks with a slight smirk.

“Well, I… um… know your cooking skills are quite commendable, and you have experience teaching, but...”

He interrupts, “They are, and I do. But you didn’t answer my question, and your lack of conviction is all I needed to hear. So, I think it’s time for Loverboy and me to leave now, and I wish you well. You’ve made my decision easy as pie, Professor. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” He gives her his best dazzling smile—one that could make angels jealous of its beauty. “Don’t worry, I won’t bother to sue you over this. It’s not worth the aggravation. Good luck.” He takes my hand, and we quickly make our way back to the car, holding our breath as we pass the stinking dumpster.



Wow,that was eye-opening. I’m so embarrassed, but it’s great to have Weston’s support and not have him tease me or give me a hard time about things. At least it’s a pretty fall day, and the trees are all magnificent, so it was a nice drive.

“Look, Weston, I’m sorry I dragged you down here to witness that. Something tells me you’re not as surprised as I was, however.”

Weston sighs. “I can’t say that Professor Bates has much going for her, but I have to admit I understand her attraction to you, Callum. I was blown away by you the moment I laid eyes on you.”

“You were?”

“Absolutely. And then I got to know you—somethingMarshahasn’t even tried to do—and that’s why I’m hopelessly in love with you.”

“Aw. You say the sweetest things.” I can’t help snorting a little when I say this. Probably ruined the message a little. “She’s a real piece of work, isn’t she?”
