Page 56 of Hot as F*ck Bundle

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It was from Pete.

Sabages got thr girl htfu bring forepower. Whip here now Sorry they got my gun

“Motherfuckers!” I screamed. “God fucking fuck…”


“I’m gonna kill…I’m going to kill all those motherfuckers!” I kicked the bench, sending shit flying everywhere.

My vision blurred, my ears started to ring, and I began to shake. “Fuuuuuuuuck!”

“What?” Pee Bee shouted.

I’d brought her into a world that she had no business in, and if something happened to her, it was on my shoulders.

I fought against the rising lump in my throat and tried to swallow, but couldn’t. I turned toward the safe. While I poked the tip of my finger against the keypad, I tried to explain the text to Pee Bee.

“Text’s from Pete. Can’t tell for sure, but it looks like the Savages are at Pete’s bar. They’ve got Pete’s gun, and they’ve--”

I swallowed heavily, pulled the door of the safe open, and grabbed two pistols – one of which was fitted with a silencer.

I pursed my lips and inhaled a long breath through my nose. My hands began to shake. “They’ve got the reporter.”

“Motherfuckers.” He grabbed the silenced pistol. “If they even touch her, I’ll kill the whole fucking club.”

You’ll have to beat me to it, Brother.
