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"Where can I help?" I ask.

She waves that away with a laugh. "Don't be silly. Everything is done. I just need to pull things from the oven.”

“Great.” I move toward the ovens, reaching for an oven mitt, but she stops me.

“No. Sit.” She points to the four stools that are pulled up to the island. Luna and Dani are already perched on two of them, munching on fruit kabobs.

I expected that response, whereas at my mother’s house, she’ll be handing me an apron the moment I walk in and pointing me to whatever needs to be done next.


His head comes up. He was looking at his phone.

“No phones during brunch. The coffee bar is right behind you. Help yourself,” Lori says as she dons two oven mitts.

He actually looks sheepish as he tucks his phone into his pocket. “Sorry,” he mumbles.

I chuckle as I move in next to him, checking out the coffee bar. This little section of the kitchen is set up just for beverages. Mugs and glasses are in the glass-fronted cabinets above. The countertop has a coffee machine almost as elaborate as the one in Nathan’s kitchen. It will provide everything from espresso to cappuccino to plain old black coffee. There is a plethora of coffee pod flavors displayed, as well as teas and cocoas. Underneath there’s a refrigerator full of water, both plain and sparkling, juices, and sodas.

We both prepare a cup of coffee.

As Nathan’s finishes brewing, a woman about Lori’s age moves in next to us for a refill.

Or rather, a refill that acts as an excuse to come talk to us.

“Hi,” she says with a smile, setting her cup under the spout. “I’m Melissa. I’m Lori’s sister.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Michael Huges,” I say. “This is Nathan Armstrong.”

“I know. I’ve heard all about you both,” she tells us with a smile. “It’s so nice to meet Crew’s boyfriends.”

Nathan chokes on his coffee, and I press my lips together.

Before I can correct her, Melissa goes on, “Oh, don’t worry, we’ve all known for a long time that Crew is bi-sexual.”

Nathan coughs harder.

“And we’re all fine with it. We’re supportive. Allies. Whatever.” Melissa frowns. “I feel like I’m messing this up. Is this not how to talk about it? I’m sorry.” She sighs. “I’ve been reading and trying to say it all right. I’m just learning.”

I give her a gentle smile and elbow Nathan. “I think it’s wonderful that you’re trying to learn because of your nephew. And I think you should talk to him about it. Ask him what terms and words he wants to use. And don’t feel bad about talking with us. Every relationship is different, so we’re all learning how ours is going to work too. It’s still new. Nathan, Crew, and I are very good friends, who care a lot about each other.”

She looks relieved, if still a little confused. “Okay, thank you. It really is nice to meet you.”

“You too, Melissa,” I say sincerely.

Crew, William, and everyone else swarm into the kitchen just then. The space definitely gets more cramped and louder.

Nathan and I move to the side, picking a spot along the wall between the kitchen and dining room to lean. Then we’ll be here, but out of the way.

Nathan and I had agreed that while at the McNeill's we would let Crew and Dani have center stage, and we’ll just hang out in the background.

But Lori is having none of that. The minute Nathan's back meets the wall where he clearly intends to lean for the next little bit, she is tugging him forward and pushing him onto the stool next to Dani at the island. Crew has already taken over the stool where Luna had been sitting. She’s now next to her grandmother at the dining table.

There’s one stool left at the center island, and I know before she even points to it that Lori intends it for me.

Dani is between Crew and Nathan, and she reaches over to put her hand on Nathan’s thigh. He takes a deep breath. That’s good. She’ll keep him calm. Ish.

“Okay! Let’s eat!” Lori calls. “It’s buffet style, so come fill your plates, then find a place to sit! There’s another big table set up in the living room!”

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