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Her eyes lit up, the playful intelligence within them even more pronounced. "That sounds perfect. I'm starving."

She started to rummage through her purse, but I was quicker, pulling out my phone. "It's on me."

She raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on her lips. "Are you always this chivalrous, or is it just for newcomers?"

I laughed. "Let's just say I like to make a good impression."

I dialed Tony's, and after a brief chat with Tony himself, who seemed rather intrigued that I was ordering pizza for two, our dinner was on its way.

The atmosphere shifted subtly as we awaited our meal. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves outside, and the stars overhead continued their twinkling waltz. Taking another sip of my wine, I turned to her, genuinely curious. "Would you teach me how to draw something? I mean, I’m no artist, but there's no harm in trying, right?"

Paisley looked pleasantly surprised. "Really? You want to draw?"

I grinned, sheepish. "Always admired people who could. And tonight seems as good a night as any to learn, especially with an excellent teacher."

She chuckled softly, the sound melodious to my ears. "Alright, Austin. What do you want to draw?"

“Something simple to start?” I suggested, looking around, “How about that wine bottle?”

She nodded, reaching into her bag to pull out a sketch pad and pencil. Handing them to me, she began instructing, her voice calm and patient. “Start with the basic shape. Don’t press too hard; let the pencil glide…”

Her instructions were easy to follow, and under her attentive gaze, I began sketching. Every now and then, our hands would touch as she corrected my grip or angle, sending unexpected sparks of electricity through me.

The drawing began to take form, a crude reflection of the wine bottle in front of us. But as much as I tried to focus on the task at hand, it was Paisley's proximity that was becoming increasingly hard to ignore. The aroma of her, fresh like summer rain and a hint of jasmine, surrounded me. The soft glow from the lanterns caught every nuance of her features, the delicate curve of her lips, the sweep of her lashes, and that playful spark in her eyes.

"Okay, you’re pressing a bit hard here," Paisley whispered, leaning closer. Her hand covered mine, guiding the pencil with soft strokes. "Just let it flow… just like that."

For a moment, our hands moved in tandem, drawing the soft lines of the wine bottle. But then, as our hands slowed, our faces were only inches apart. The soft buzz of the wine, combined with the heady feeling of her so close, made my heart race. There was an unspoken tension, an electric charge between us, making the night feel alive.

She met my gaze, her eyes searching mine, and I felt the world stop. Her breathing became shallow, lips slightly parted. I leaned in, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. The anticipation was palpable; I could feel the warmth of her breath mingling with mine.

Just as our lips were about to meet, a sudden, raucous car horn blared through the tranquil night. Startled, we pulled apart. The enchantment of the moment shattered by the rude interruption.

“That... must be the pizza,” Paisley said, her voice slightly shaky, trying to inject a touch of humor into the awkward moment.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Tony and his old truck," I muttered, recognizing the signature sound. Tony was the only one in Valle di Sole who would honk that loudly at this hour, especially with a pizza delivery.

Paisley chuckled softly. "Good timing, I suppose," she remarked, but I could detect a hint of regret in her tone.

I stood up, taking a deep breath, trying to regain my composure. "I'll go get our dinner."

As I made my way to pick up the pizza, my mind raced. The almost-kiss hung in the air between us, a tantalizing reminder of the connection we had felt. I couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if we hadn't been interrupted.

The weight of the pizza box in my hand was a grounding contrast to the whirlwind of emotions coursing through me. I walked back, the scent of melted cheese and fresh tomato wafting up, tempting and delicious. But it wasn’t the only thing drawing me back to that spot.

Setting the pizza down on a makeshift table we'd put together with crates, I glanced at Paisley. She was staring out into the vineyard, the gentle breeze tousling her sun-kissed hair. There was a vulnerability to her in that moment, making me wonder about the battles she’d fought and the choices she’d made to end up here, in Valle di Sole.

We shared the pizza, mostly in comfortable silence, each slice followed by sips of wine. The food and drink were good, but what truly made the evening was the company. Every time our fingers brushed or our eyes met, the air seemed to crackle. It was a dance of unspoken words and restrained feelings.

As the night deepened, and the lanterns started to dim, it became clear that our impromptu dinner was winding down. Standing up, I stretched and offered my hand to Paisley to help her up. "Thank you for the art lesson and the company," I said, the corners of my mouth turning up in a smile.

She took my hand, her grip soft yet firm. "Thank you for the pizza and wine. It's been... unexpected but lovely."

I paused, my hand still holding hers, the warmth from her palm seeping into mine. The memory of our almost-kiss from earlier still lingered. Heart racing, emboldened by the wine and the night, I decided to seize the moment. Stepping closer, I slid my free arm around her waist, pulling her gently toward me.

She looked up, her honey-colored eyes widening in surprise. But then, as if drawn by an invisible force, she leaned into the embrace, her body melding against mine.

Taking a deep breath, I tilted my head down, my gaze locked onto her lips. I felt her breath quicken, her eyes fluttering closed. Without another thought, I leaned in and our lips met. It was soft, hesitant at first, but then grew deeper, filled with the promise of things unspoken.

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