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The sincerity in his voice nearly broke me. I wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his chest. "Thank you, Austin."

His fingers brushed through my hair. "Always, Paisley."

The drive was everything I didn't know I needed. The car's stereo blared oldies and some of our favorite songs, and we sang at the top of our lungs, out of tune, laughing when our voices cracked. Every so often, Austin would reach over, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear or taking my hand, sending shivers down my spine. We talked, joked, and reminisced, the conversation flowing effortlessly.

The scenery shifted from the urban jungle of New York City to the verdant landscapes of the northeast. I rolled down my window, letting the crisp air fill the car. The aroma of pine and the distant scent of wood-burning stoves permeated the atmosphere. As the journey continued, the trees grew denser, their hues shifting from green to reds, oranges, and yellows. The fall foliage of the northeast was breathtaking.

A few hours into the drive, Austin pulled over to a quaint diner. "Hungry?"

"Starving," I replied with a grin.

Inside, the atmosphere was cozy. Old booths lined the walls, and a friendly waitress with a thick New York accent greeted us. We ordered burgers and milkshakes, letting the nostalgia of the place seep in.

As we ate, I caught Austin staring at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "What?" I giggled.

"I just can't get over how gorgeous you are," he said, the intensity in his eyes causing warmth to spread across my cheeks.

"You're not so bad yourself," I teased, leaning across the table to steal a quick kiss.

After lunch, we continued our journey, the familiarity of my childhood home growing stronger with every passing mile. Before I knew it, we were pulling up the familiar gravel driveway of my parents' house.

The uncertainty came crashing down as I thought of introducing Austin to my parents. Would they accept him? Understand why I was with him?

Taking a deep breath, I turned to him. "Ready?"

He squeezed my hand reassuringly. "With you? Always."

As we approached the house, the front door burst open, revealing my parents. My mom rushed forward, wrapping me in a tight embrace, tears streaming down both our faces. "Oh, Paisley," she murmured.

Dad followed, his embrace just as warm. "We've missed you," he whispered.

As the initial euphoria of the reunion subsided, my parents' eyes shifted to Austin, their expressions guarded.

I took a deep breath. "Mom, Dad, this is Austin."

Austin stepped forward, extending a hand. "It's an honor to meet you both."

Dad looked Austin up and down, clearly sizing him up, before finally shaking his hand. Mom's eyes were more probing, searching for something deeper.

"Why don't you both come in?" she finally said, her voice soft.

The living room was just as I remembered, filled with memories and warmth. We sat, Austin and I on one couch, my parents on the other.

The conversation was a bit stilted at first. My parents asked about our journey, about California, about everything and anything that wasn't too personal. I could feel the tension in the air.

It was Austin who finally broke the ice. He began sharing stories about his winery, about the adventures we'd had together. Slowly, my parents began to warm up to him, laughter filling the room as he recounted some of our misadventures.

As the evening wore on, I could see the walls my parents had erected slowly crumbling. They saw in Austin what I did - a genuine, caring man who loved their daughter.

The aroma of garlic and roasted vegetables wafted through the house, making my stomach growl. It had been ages since I'd tasted Mom's homemade lasagna.

"Stay for dinner?" Mom asked, almost shyly, her eyes darting to Austin.

Austin glanced at me, a question in his eyes, and I nodded. "We'd love to."

Dad cleared his throat, trying to sound nonchalant but failing. "So, Austin, do you play golf?"

Austin's eyes lit up. "I do, in fact. Played in college. You?"

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