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"Ican't believe this," I mumbled under my breath, my fingers stroking Paisley's hair gently as she lay nestled against me. The tranquility of the moment was in stark contrast to the raging storm of anger inside me. The more I got to know Paisley, the more the residual effect Benjamin had on her pissed me off. I had barely met the guy, but from what I'd gathered so far, he was a grade-A tool. I hadn't felt a desire to punch someone so intensely in years. The audacity he had to make someone as wonderful as Paisley feel so worthless, so upside down—it was unforgivable.

Her steady breathing and the soft weight of her against me brought me back to the present. I cherished these moments, holding her close, feeling the steady beat of her heart. It was in these moments of quiet intimacy that I felt most connected to her.

"You okay there?" her voice, soft and raspy from sleep, startled me from my thoughts.

"Yeah," I responded, my voice lower than I intended. "Just lost in thought."

She tilted her head up to meet my gaze, searching my eyes. "What are you thinking about?"

The answer was on the tip of my tongue. I want to knock Benjamin's teeth out. But I bit it back. Instead, I replied with, "I was thinking about how beautiful you are and how lucky I am."

She chuckled softly, a gentle blush painting her cheeks. "Always the charmer."

"Dinner?" I blurted out. It might've been a bit abrupt, but I wanted to take her mind off things, to show her a good time and distract her from the ghosts of her past. "I mean, we're in the city. We might as well explore a bit. Get dressed up, hit the town?"

Her eyes lit up, a hint of excitement sparkling in them. "That sounds amazing."

"Good." I kissed the top of her head, relief flooding me. "We can find a nice spot, eat something fancy and maybe take a stroll?"

She pushed herself up into a sitting position, her hair falling messily around her shoulders. "Let's do it. But first, I need to decide on an outfit."

We both got up, and I watched as she walked over to the wardrobe, her fingers brushing against the clothes hanging there. "Got any preferences?" she teased, glancing over her shoulder with a sly smile.

I pretended to mull it over. "Anything that makes Benjamin realize what an idiot he was for letting you go."

She laughed at that. "Every outfit I own does that."

We spent the next hour helping each other get dressed. There was playful banter, soft touches, and stolen kisses. It was moments like these, so simple and genuine, that made me fall for her even more. It wasn't just about passion; it was about connection. Every glance, every laugh, every touch was a testament to the bond that was growing between us.

As she zipped up her dress, I stood back and took in the sight before me. She looked gorgeous. Elegant, sophisticated, but with that playful glint in her eye that made my heart race. I stepped closer, wrapping my arms around her waist, and whispered, "You look stunning."

She leaned into me, her lips brushing mine. "Not so bad yourself, sir."

The night awaited us, the city's lights beckoning, but in that moment, all that mattered was her. Everything else—the troubles, the past, Benjamin—faded into insignificance.

"Ready?" I asked, offering my arm.

She hooked hers through mine, her smile radiant. "With you? Always."

And with that, we headed out, ready to face whatever the city had in store for us, together.

As the car smoothly maneuvered through the busy New York streets, I could sense Paisley's curiosity. Her eyes darted between the skyscrapers, the flashing billboards, and the diverse crowds bustling about.

"We're here," the driver announced as he pulled up to a nondescript entrance with an elegant golden sign that read "Bianco e Nero". A hidden gem, frequented by those in the know, it was one of the best Italian places in the city. Discreet and upscale.

The moment we stepped out, the mai^tre d' greeted me with a wide smile, "Mr. Austin! It's always a pleasure to see you, sir."

Paisley looked taken aback. "You know this place?"

"Been here a couple of times," I replied with a smile, enjoying the surprised look on her face. "It's always good to have some spots around the globe, you know?"

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Of course, billionaire things. I forget sometimes."

We were led to a private corner table, candles flickering, soft jazz playing in the background. Paisley skimmed through the menu, then her eyes widened in realization as she pointed at something. "Is this your wine?" she asked, referring to a listing that boasted an exclusive vintage.

I nodded, trying to suppress my smile. "One of the perks of the trade. They serve it in a few select places worldwide."

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