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I nodded, turning to Paisley. "Duty calls."

She grinned. "Thank you for the company, Austin. See you around?"

"Count on it," I replied, my heart surprisingly light.

As I rejoined Marco, he shot me a knowing look. "Seems like your little undercover operation was a success."

I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "Oh, hush."

But as I worked that final row, my thoughts were consumed by our conversation, by the enigma that was Paisley. What had brought her to Valle di Sole? What had driven her to make such a life-altering decision?

One thing was certain: my intrigue had transformed into a genuine interest. Paisley was not just a fleeting distraction. She was a chapter waiting to be explored. And I was more than ready to turn the page.



As I closed the door to my little shed apartment, the memories of the afternoon washed over me. Austin. He was unexpectedly a highlight of my day. There was something about him that felt... grounded, familiar even, which was absurd since I'd never met him before.

I moved to a window, looking out at the sprawling vineyard bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun. The vines stretched endlessly, and somewhere among them, Tom and the others were probably finishing up their day. "Austin..." I murmured.

Shaking my head, I turned my attention to the stacks of boxes that cluttered the small space. My new beginning lay within them, and it was high time I set everything up.

The first box I opened was filled with canvases, brushes, and tubes of paint. Art had been my solace in New York, amidst the chaos of the affluent world I had grown up in. Here, in Valle di Sole, I intended for it to be my anchor. The space wasn’t large, but it was perfect for an intimate studio.

Setting up my easel near the window, I placed my favorite brushes in a Mason jar and organized the paints by color on a wooden shelf. The lighting was just right, with the room soaking up the best of the sun's rays. This was where I’d lose myself, capturing the serene beauty of Valle di Sole and the emotions of my new journey.

Opening another box, I found my sketchbook, the one filled with my observations from the town. I flipped through, stopping at the sketch of Claire's art studio. She had been so warm and welcoming. The thought brought a smile to my face.

And then there was the unfinished sketch of the vineyard, which I'd started during lunch. It was a quick capture of the rows of grapevines, and right at the edge, a solitary figure, who now, I realized, bore a striking resemblance to Austin. My hand had unwittingly drawn him even before our conversation. Was it intuition? Or mere coincidence?

My fingers itched to paint, to translate the tranquility of the town and the emotions of the day onto canvas. But first, the rest of the boxes awaited.

Hours passed as I made the place truly mine, unpacking personal mementos, books, and some clothes. Every item had a story, a reason for making the cut to this new chapter of my life.

I was just about to retire for the evening, my hands stained with a few stray spots of paint, when I heard it — a gentle knock on the door. It was unexpected; after all, apart from Claire, nobody in town really knew me.

Opening the door, I was met with a sight that almost took my breath away. There he stood, the same blue eyes, dark hair with an errant strand falling over his forehead, and that light stubble which gave him a roguish charm. Only now, without the cap and the working clothes, he looked... incredible. The whole 'worker in a vineyard' get-up hadn’t done him justice.

“Austin?" I asked, surprised.

His lips curved into a sheepish smile. "I was hoping to find you today."

I raised an eyebrow. "Because?"

He chuckled, a deep, resonant sound. "I don’t want to say it’s because I prefer the presence of beautiful women, but there is one I’ve been keeping an eye out for."

I leaned against the door frame, arms crossed. "Well, I’m present. Though I can’t say I’m in love with the line.” He grinned and reddened a little, making my stomach jump at his vulnerability. As usual, I responded with a joke instead of anything else. “So what brings you here, apart from the mad desire to see me?"

He gestured to the boxes that still sat outside. "Thought you could use some help moving in. And... maybe I wanted to see you again."

I felt a warmth spread through me, his candidness catching me off guard. "Well, since you’re here," I said, stepping aside to allow him entry, "let's tackle those boxes."

The two of us got to work, and the ease with which we fell into a rhythm was uncanny. We joked, shared stories, and it felt as though we'd known each other for ages.

As Austin handled my books with care, he paused, looking at the title of one. "The Luminous Landscape. You're into landscapes?"

I nodded. "There's something about capturing the essence of a place, the emotions it evokes. Landscapes speak to me."

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