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"And what about what I want? Did you ever stop to think about that? Or am I just another thing for you to claim, to possess?"

"I've always loved you, Paisley. Always. I just hope you can see that and give us another shot."

For a moment, they stood there, locked in an intense gaze, the silence heavy between them, before the man stormed out the back door. My heart raced, and my hands clenched into fists. With a deep breath, I knocked gently, announcing my presence.

Paisley opened the door, her eyes wide with surprise, remnants of her previous confrontation still evident on her face. "Austin?" Her voice trembled, and for a fleeting moment, we stood there, caught in a silence that stretched between us.

I took a tentative step forward, looking deeply into her eyes. "Hey... I, uh, didn’t mean to intrude, but I was coming to surprise you." I hesitated, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I heard voices, saw... him. Who was that?"

She sighed heavily, running a hand through her hair, clearly torn between wanting to share and holding back. "That was Benjamin. My ex-fiancé."

The name, given a face, felt like a punch to the gut. A part of me wished I could turn back time, unsee the scenes I’d witnessed. But there was a greater part, a deeper part, that needed to know, to understand the shadows lurking in Paisley's past.

"He wants me to return to New York," she whispered, looking down at her feet.

I felt a pang of fear. The thought of losing Paisley, of her going back to a life and a love that had once consumed her, made my heart race. "Return? Why? What did he say?"

She took a deep breath, her hands fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. "He... he's trying to make amends. He apologized for his past mistakes and said he's changed. And then, he gave me the deed to a gallery he bought as a wedding gift. It's everything I ever dreamed of."

The gravity of her words pressed on me. It wasn’t just the gallery—it was the life, the dreams, the what-ifs, and the weight of a shared history. "Do you... do you want to go back?" The vulnerability in my voice was palpable, and it felt raw and unfamiliar.

Paisley's eyes met mine, searching, probing. "I don't know. Everything's so overwhelming. I came here to start fresh, to escape my past, and now it's all catching up with me."

I took a step closer, needing to bridge the distance between us, needing to feel connected amidst the chaos. "Whatever you decide, I just want you to be happy. But I won't lie and say I don't have a stake in this. You mean... a lot to me, Paisley. More than I ever anticipated." My voice wavered, revealing my own insecurities and fears.

She reached out, touching my face softly. "Austin, this isn't just about Benjamin and the gallery. It's about us, too. I need to figure things out. Please understand."

"I do," I murmured, pulling her into a gentle embrace, the warmth of her body offering a temporary balm to the turmoil inside.

After the conversation, I felt a need for distance, a space to breathe and clear my mind. It was a contradictory feeling, to both crave Paisley's touch and require a moment of solitude. I pulled away gently, catching the slight confusion in her eyes.

"I... I need some time," I murmured, my voice quivering with emotions I was still coming to terms with.

She nodded, her eyes glistening with tears. "I understand. Take all the time you need." Her voice, though soft, was firm, suggesting she too sensed the gravity of our crossroads.

Exiting her cottage felt like leaving a part of myself behind. The crisp evening air hit my face, serving as a cruel reminder of the raw emotions coursing through me. I made my way to my car, feeling the weight of uncertainty heavy on my shoulders.

After a short drive, I found myself at the overlook, the one spot in Valle di Sole that always offered me solace. Gazing out at the vast expanse below, the lights of the town twinkling in the distance, I felt both small and overwhelmed.

The memories of our time together played out like a movie in my mind. The laughter, the shared secrets, the intimacy. And yet, amidst those memories, lurked the shadow of Benjamin, of a life Paisley once lived, of choices she might still make.

As I lost myself in my thoughts, my phone buzzed to life, breaking the spell. I glanced at the caller ID: Callaghan. Despite my need for solitude, I answered, sensing that a friendly voice might help.

"Austin, mate! How've you been? It feels like ages."

"Hey, Callaghan," I responded, trying to keep my voice steady. "It's been a whirlwind, to say the least."

There was a momentary pause, and then Callaghan's tone turned serious. "Everything alright? You sound... off."

Taking a deep breath, I delved into everything – my growing connection with Paisley, her ex-fiancé’s sudden arrival, and the uncertainty of where we stood. Pouring out my feelings, my fears, and my hopes felt both cathartic and painful.

Callaghan listened patiently, letting me vent, before finally saying, "Love's never easy, mate. But it's worth fighting for. You've got to trust her, trust yourself. And no matter how this pans out, remember, you've found something special. Don't let it slip away out of fear."

His words, though comforting, couldn't remove the sting of insecurity gnawing at my heart. "Thanks. I just... I don't know how to navigate this. I've never felt this way before, and the idea of losing her, of her choosing another life, it terrifies me."

"You've got to have faith," Callaghan replied. "Life's unpredictable, but what's meant to be will always find a way."


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