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Taking a deep breath, I nodded. "Yes, I have. But it's not just about him, Benjamin. It's about me, finding my place in the world, understanding what I truly want."

Benjamin's eyes welled up, and he blinked back tears. "I would have given you the world."

I reached across the table, offering my hand. "I know you would have. And you did, in your own way. But sometimes love isn't about giving someone the world. It's about letting them find their own."

He took my hand, holding it tightly. "Is there no chance for us, Paisley? Can't we go back to the way things were?"

I gently withdrew my hand, meeting his gaze squarely. "We can't live in the past. We both need to move forward."

A weight seemed to lift from his shoulders, as if acknowledging the truth in my words. "I just... I miss you."

I smiled softly. "I know. And part of me will always care for you. But Valle di Sole is my home now. This is where I belong."

The chimes of the coffee shop door echoed as Benjamin walked out, leaving me behind in a whirlwind of emotions. I watched through the window as he disappeared around the corner, his once familiar gait now tinged with unfamiliarity. With each step he took, the weight of our shared history pressed heavier upon my chest.

The rich aroma of coffee that once felt comforting now seemed to suffocate me. The walls of the café, adorned with old photographs and rustic décor, felt like they were closing in. My heart raced, and my palms grew sweaty, the ceramic mug now cold in my grip.

Memories I thought I had tucked away securely unraveled in my mind. I remembered our first date in New York, the glittering skyline serving as our backdrop. The thrill of our young love, the surprise proposals, the whispered promises, and the shared dreams of a future that now felt like another lifetime.

I remembered the moments of laughter, the shared journeys, and the nights where we dreamt together under the canopy of city lights. But I also remembered the arguments, the silent treatments, and that growing chasm between us I tried so hard to bridge, only to find myself more lost.

Valle di Sole had been my refuge, my fresh start. Here, I had rediscovered my passion for art, met wonderful people, and found Austin—someone who ignited a spark in me I never knew existed. And yet, Benjamin's sudden appearance had shaken the very foundation of this new life.

A part of me yearned for the familiar—the hustle and bustle of the city, the luxury, the social gatherings, and the structured life we had built together. Those were days of certainty. Days where I knew what each morning would bring, and the comfort of a routine that Benjamin and I had perfected over the years.

But with that familiarity also came constraints. The pressure to fit into a mold, to meet societal expectations, to play the part of the perfect fiancée. The constant overshadowing of my personal dreams and aspirations in favor of our joint goals.

A soft jazz melody began to play in the café, pulling me back from my thoughts. I looked around, realizing that the place had emptied considerably. The sun outside was now veiled by clouds, casting muted light into the room.

My fingers instinctively reached for the pendant around my neck—a simple, handcrafted piece I had bought there in Valle di Sole. It represented my new beginnings, my commitment to live a life true to myself.

The question then loomed large: What did I really want?

The allure of the past was undeniable. But did I yearn for the life I once led, or was it just the comfort of familiarity? Valle di Sole, with its simple charm, had shown me a different kind of happiness, a tranquility, and a sense of belonging. But had I truly given myself fully to this new chapter, or was a part of me still clinging to the shadows of yesterday?

I took a deep breath, trying to center myself. Benjamin's plea echoed in my ears. "Please, just think about it." And I promised myself that I would—without the weight of expectations or the pull of the past. I needed clarity, and the only way to find it was to genuinely introspect about what my heart truly desired.

Paying for my coffee, I left the café, the chimes echoing my exit.

The rhythm of my heartbeat was loud in my ears as I left the coffee shop, the weight of Benjamin's presence still lingering in the air. Every step felt heavy, like I was wading through treacle, my mind clouded with confusion and a barrage of memories. But amidst the chaos of emotions and thoughts, one clear, shining beacon emerged: Austin.

My car was parked a few streets away, and as I walked towards it, the evening sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over my surroundings. The village seemed to have come alive in that golden hour, with children playing in the streets, locals chatting by their doorsteps, and the distant notes of a guitar serenading the town.

I unlocked my car and slid into the driver's seat, momentarily overwhelmed by the juxtaposition of my past and present. The leather of the seat was warm against my skin, grounding me in the present moment.

Without giving it much thought, I found my fingers dialing Austin's number. I needed to hear his voice, to share my feelings and find solace in the connection we had built. The familiar rings echoed in the car, each one increasing my anticipation. But after the fourth ring, I was met with his voicemail.

A sigh escaped my lips. I hadn't prepared what to say, and now faced with the beep signaling me to leave a message, I hesitated for a split second.

"Austin," I began, my voice soft, "It's Paisley. I know you're probably caught up with the convention and all, but... well, I needed to talk."

I paused, gathering my thoughts, the backdrop of Valle di Sole visible through my windshield. "I ran into someone from my past today. My ex-fiancé, actually. It stirred up a lot of emotions, a whirlwind of memories and... doubts. It made me question my decisions, my life here."

There was another brief pause, the weight of my revelations pressing down on me. "But in the midst of all that chaos, there was one certainty, one clarity that cut through it all — you."

The words tumbled out, raw and unfiltered. "I think... I think I'm falling for you, Austin. Truly. The time we've spent together, the memories we've created, they've meant so much to me. And today, when faced with the shadows of my past, your light shone even brighter in my heart."

I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, the vulnerability of my confession making me both giddy and nervous. "I miss you, Austin. More than I ever thought I could miss someone. I hope you're doing well, and... I can't wait to see you again."

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