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I took a step closer, my hands finding her waist. I could feel her tremble slightly under my touch. With a swift motion, I lifted her up, cradling her against my chest. Her arms wrapped around my neck, her face burying into the crook of my neck. The scent of her hair, a mix of vanilla and flowers, enveloped me.

I carried her to her bed, the softness of the mattress sinking under our combined weight. I gently laid her down, taking a moment to marvel at her. She looked up at me, her chest rising and falling rhythmically, her fingers playing with the delicate lace of her bra.

Without hesitation, I shed my remaining clothes, feeling the cool air kiss my heated skin. I leaned over her, my lips finding the soft curve of her neck. She arched slightly, a soft moan escaping her lips, urging me on.

"I've wanted this since the moment I laid eyes on you," I whispered, my lips tracing a path from her collarbone, down her chest, lingering on the swell of her breasts, feeling her heart racing beneath my lips.

She gasped, her fingers threading through my hair, guiding me. "Austin," she breathed, her voice heavy with desire. The sound of my name on her lips was the sweetest symphony, and it fueled my determination to cherish every inch of her.

My journey continued downward, past her navel, taking in every rise and fall, every sigh, every whispered plea. I reached her apex, and the world seemed to pause, the weight of our connection, the culmination of days of yearning, hanging palpably in the air.



The world around me seemed to fade, a distant murmur compared to the intense pleasure coursing through my veins. I'd never been one to let my guard down, to let someone in so quickly, but with Austin, it felt right. It felt as if our souls had known each other for lifetimes. My fingers instinctively found his hair, tugging gently as waves of ecstasy washed over me.

His touch was electric, his movements both tender and confident. With every caress, every kiss, he seemed to know exactly what I needed, sending me spiraling into a world where nothing mattered but the two of us.

"Oh, Austin," I gasped, my voice barely audible. Each stroke, each touch was methodical, as if he was painting a masterpiece, and I was his canvas.

As the sensation built, I found my thoughts wandering. Was it too soon? Was I being reckless? But those doubts were quickly replaced with the pure, unadulterated pleasure he was giving me. And in that moment, I didn't care about right or wrong. I wanted him. All of him.

His eyes met mine, a silent question lingering in their depths. I nodded, giving him the permission he sought. There was a tenderness in his gaze, a promise that he'd take care of me, that he'd cherish every moment we shared.

The intensity was overwhelming, building to a crescendo. I clung to him, my nails digging into his back as waves of pleasure rippled through me. My breathing was erratic, and my vision blurred as I felt myself getting lost in the sensations.

The air around us felt heavy with anticipation and unspoken desires. As the final remnants of my own pleasure dissipated, Austin stood up, drawing my attention. The moonlight seeping through the half-drawn curtains painted him in a soft glow, highlighting every contour, every curve of his chiseled form. My eyes traveled down, coming to rest on his pronounced arousal, standing tall and proud. It was not just the size but the perfection of its shape that had me entranced. Veins pulsated subtly, promising the passion it held.

The realization that I found his manhood not just enticing but beautiful caught me off guard. He seemed to sense my wonder, a smirk playing on his lips as he took a step closer. His proximity was intoxicating. The masculine scent of him, mixed with the remnants of our earlier activities, enveloped me, pulling me deeper into the heady spell he'd cast.

"Like what you see?" he teased, voice dripping with desire.

Unable to form words, I simply nodded, reaching out to touch him, the skin soft yet firm beneath my fingertips. I felt his body tense at the contact, a growl of pleasure escaping his lips.

Pulled in by an irresistible force, I leaned forward, taking him into my mouth. The taste of him, musky and uniquely Austin, was intoxicating. Encouraged by the soft moans escaping his lips, I took him deeper, losing myself in the rhythm and the sheer primal need of the moment.

His fingers found their way into my hair, gripping softly, guiding my movements. The intensity, the intimacy of the act, had my heart racing. I wanted to pleasure him, to make him feel the same raw, overwhelming sensations he'd gifted me with.

The sounds of pleasure he emitted, the way his body trembled ever so slightly under my touch, told me I was on the right path. Each sigh, each moan, was a testament to the connection we shared, a connection that transcended the physical.

The fervor of the moment was so palpable that I almost felt lightheaded. As Austin's fingers tangled in my hair, he pulled me away gently, every movement deliberate, controlled, but laced with unmistakable urgency.

“Paisley,” he murmured, his voice gruff with restrained passion, “if you continue, I won't be able to hold back.”

His breath was ragged, the confession raw, echoing the chaotic rhythm of my own heart. With that, he reached for his jeans discarded on the floor, extracting a small silver packet. In one fluid motion, he rolled the condom on, each movement a testament to his desire, his need for me.

Then, in a move that left me gasping, he took a step forward, his hands sliding under my thighs, hoisting me off the ground with a strength that took my breath away. My legs wrapped around his waist instinctively, feeling the solid warmth of him, the promise of what was to come.

He moved us swiftly towards the wall, my back meeting the cool surface as he positioned himself between my legs. Every inch of my skin was hypersensitive, electrified by his proximity.

“You’re sure?” he whispered, leaning in, his lips brushing against mine, the question in his eyes as clear as the day.

I nodded, the simple act of speech almost beyond me. “Yes,” I managed, breathlessly.

Without further words, he kissed me deeply, possessively, as he began his entry. The initial stretch of sensation had my eyes fluttering shut, my breath hitching. He moved slowly at first, allowing our bodies to adjust, to merge. The juxtaposition of his power and gentleness was an elixir, and I drank it in greedily.

As the heat between us built to an almost unbearable intensity, a slew of memories began flooding in. Strangely enough, they were of Brian and me. It was an involuntary comparison, one that I hadn't expected. The stark contrast between the two experiences was like comparing the sun's gentle warmth to the fierce blaze of a roaring bonfire.

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