Page 45 of I Was Always Yours

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My heart swells as I look around at all the people who have come to support us. Not just family members, friends, or other work colleagues. There are patients and members of the general public who all support us.

When we first decided to strike, there was a lot of bad press, and even today, I feel sure some news outlets will be reporting the negative side of this story. The one where patients have suffered, had operations and appointments cancelled, all so we can strike. But they never show the other side, looking at why we are striking, and what we are doing to make up for today. Most of us are putting on extra clinics this weekend, so we can catch up on the patients who missed out today, making sure they don’t have another long wait to be seen.

What the news always fails to mention is that we are doing this for our patients. Patient care is our number one priority, and the emergency services and maternity have full staffing levels to cope with emergency situations. Other services have been rearranged for the weekend, when most nurses are working overtime. But we are doing it because we want to be able to give patients better care. As I look around, I’m just glad that the people who really matter—our patients—know the truth and are behind us.

I find Lee and flop down into the chair beside him, resting my head on his shoulder without thinking about it. I’m exhausted, and we still have all afternoon to go. Lee wraps his arm around me, and I allow myself to sink into him. I can feel some of my friends and work colleagues looking, no doubt wondering what the hell is going on between us, but I don’t care. I’m just glad he’s here.

“I know you’re busy, Em, and we do need to talk properly about this, but I need to get this out now. I like you, but I’m never going to change my mind about being in a relationship. I know you say that doesn’t bother you, but we both know you want a boyfriend and I can’t give you that,” he explains, and I go to reply, but he cuts me off before I even have a chance to start. “I trust you when you say you know what you can handle and what’s best for you. So, if you really think you can be friends-with-benefits, and not want more, then I’m happy with that. But I don’t want you to get hurt.”

I give him a small smile and squeeze his hand, pulling strength from his warmth. “That's the thing. I might get hurt, and yes, that will suck. But right now, without you, I am hurting. I miss you and that hurts. So for me, I can either be friends with you and risk getting hurt in the future. Or I can leave right now, and I know I will be in pain. And as much as I like a bit of pain when we have sex, I’m not generally a masochist, so I choose possible future pain over the guaranteed pain I have now.”

As soon as I mention sex, Lee starts to chuckle, and I watch as he tries to make his face turn serious. “I get the feeling this is going to end really badly for us both, but I’m the same as you, I can’t seem to walk away.”

He reaches over with his free hand and cups the side of my face, rubbing his thumb across my cheek. I can’t help but lean in to his touch, the coolness of his palm causes my skin to prickle as a shiver ripples down my back. I lean closer to him, hoping he’s going to close the gap between us and press his lips to mine. I know I can’t make the first move here, it has to all be on Lee.

Leaning forward, he places his lips right beside my ear, and the feel of his warm breath against the sensitive spot on my neck causes me to shudder. “I want nothing more than to press my lips against yours. You have no idea how much I’ve fucking missed your taste these last two weeks. But, I can feel our friends staring at us, trying to read into our behaviour in a way I didn’t want. I need to have you again soon though,” he growls, and it’s like he’s got a one-way ticket straight to my core, which begins heating up with his words. I can feel myself getting wetter as I think about it.

“Well… I’m not working tomorrow, but I know you are. I think the first day we both have off together will be Saturday,” I reply, and Lee very deliberately begins to shake his head. A mischievous smile slides across his face.

“I think I feel a bit of a cold coming on. I better take tomorrow off, just to be on the safe side,” he states, adding a fake as fuck little cough on the end just to really sell the story, and now it’s my turn to chuckle.

“Back to mine after this?” I ask, and Lee nods his head so much I worry he might actually hurt his neck.

“Absolutely. I can’t wait to get you on your knees. You’ve been a very good girl these last couple of weeks, and now it’s my turn to show you how grateful I am for that.”

His words are dark and dirty, and they call to me. Hearing him say I’m his good girl, it pushes away all the other thoughts I have going through my brain. I push aside the pain, the weird feelings in my body, even the fact I’m at work and should be thinking about all the ways today could go wrong, so I know how to fight against it. Instead I focus on Lee, and what we have to look forward to.

I lean in, my lips against his ear this time, and I place a slow but chaste—almost innocent looking—kiss on his cheek, right next to his ear. I feel him shiver beneath my touch and I can’t help but smile as I think about the effect I have on him. “I wish I could kiss you right now. Instead, I will make a list in my head of everything I’ve wanted you to do to me over the last couple of weeks, so I know what we should try together.”

His head tilts rapidly and his gaze fixes with mine. His normally bright blue eyes are swimming with lust, and I have to shuffle discreetly in my chair to relieve the ache I feel between my legs. “And what things have you been wanting to try?”

I give him a shy smile, but it’s impossible to keep the mischievous glint from my eyes. “Well we were talking about exploring anal and I think I may be ready for that now. Plus, I really want to try outdoor sex sometime,” I whisper, making sure nobody around us can hear a word I’m whispering in Lee’s ear. This is my work, after all. Can’t have them learning all about my kinky side.

The anal thing isn’t too much of a big deal. I mean, I’ve never tried anything like it before, but I know a lot of women get lots of pleasure from it, and it’s just something I have to try. I trust Lee to do it properly, slowly, and not hurt me.

The outdoor sex, on the other hand, is not something I ever considered. I guess my lack of self-confidence played a part in that, and my fear of being caught. But I know it’s something Lee thinks he’d enjoy, and it’s something he’s never really explored with other partners, so it’s a first that we’d both be able to explore together. And if the look of pure sex on Lee’s face by now is anything to go by, I’d say he’s interested.

I notice him trying to discreetly shuffle his trousers, no doubt to try and get his erection to sit a bit more comfortable, and I can’t help but smile. Obviously the fact he’s getting hard in the middle of a nursing strike—and my workplace—isn’t ideal, but I do love that I have this effect on him.

“Oh, Emmaleigh. You have got yourself a deal, and I can’t fucking wait. But you should know, getting me hard right now, when you can’t do anything to help me is called being a tease. Only bad girls are teases, and so I think I’m going to have to punish you for this. You are going to spend all night making sure my cock gets taken care of every time it gets hard. Do you understand?” His voice has taken on that authoritative tone, deep and gravelly, and fuck me does it make me melt.

I struggle to find the right words, and try to just nod my head in confirmation, but as he holds me frozen to the spot with his glare, I know he wants my words. I lean forward and whisper the words just beside his lips. A few millimetres to the right and our lips would be touching. “I promise to be a good girl just for you. If I have to be punished, I understand and I will take it like the good girl I am.”

A groan escapes from Lee’s lips and he pulls away from me, shaking his head like he’s trying to knock some sense into himself. I know why he’s doing it. When we’re together like this, and we’re so caught up in our own lust, it’s like everything around us just disappears. We get into our own bubble, and we never want to leave. But here and now is not the right time to be getting each other turned on, so I’m not surprised when he pulls away, but his whole body, his eyes, and his words make it very fucking clear I’m in for one hell of a night tonight.



We barely make it through the door before Lee’s lips collide with mine. We have two weeks worth of sexual chemistry that has built up, and fuck did I miss him. If the way his hands are wandering over my body are any indication, he missed me too.

We’re almost frantic, kissing and devouring each other as we move through the flat, discarding items of clothing straight onto the floor as we make our way to the bedroom.

When we make it into the bedroom, I’m standing in just my black lace boy-shorts style panties and matching bra, while Lee is in his tight black boxers, his cock bursting to break free. Thankfully, the black colour of my panties means the wet patch that I know is there, won’t be visible. Not that I care, he must be able to tell how turned on I am—or he will when he removes my panties.

Reluctantly, Lee drags his lips away from mine, and takes a step back from me. I try to follow but he shakes his head, making it very clear I have to stay here. He doesn’t move too far away, just enough for him to rake his gaze across my body. It’s almost like I can feel his touch as my skin burns in every place his eyes cover.

He starts at my toes, and by the time his eyes meet mine, his pupils are so blown they look almost black. Holding my gaze, the corner of his mouth lifts up into that devilishly sexy smile of his—the one that tells me I’m going to enjoy what comes next.

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