Page 21 of I Was Always Yours

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“Well… it would be rude to kick you out without at least offering you some breakfast,” I joke, as I lean down to grab the first item of clothing I can find. It’s the T-shirt he took off last night, and I don’t hesitate to pull it over my head. It’s a little snug around my hips and boobs, but it hangs low around my thighs—the joys of being short. I try not to focus on all the ways it feels too tight, and instead try to exude the confidence he’s helped me find.

Standing up, I walk towards the bedroom door, but I look back over my shoulder before I leave, waiting for his reply. He can see the back of my bare thighs, and the T-shirt doesn’t leave much to the imagination. The fire and hunger in his gaze is enough for me to bite my lip and clench my thighs together.

“I can definitely think of something I want to eat right now.”

Fuck! That has to be one of the hottest things I’ve heard, and the deep gravelly tone to his voice has me growing wetter at just the mere thought of his tongue between my legs. I got a taste for it last night and I definitely won’t say no to him.

I open my mouth to respond, but then he starts climbing out of my bed, the duvet falling around him to reveal his lean, hard muscles. My eyes rake over every patch of his delicious skin, travelling down his body until I latch onto his hardening cock. He’s not completely erect yet, but he’s starting to get there, and as he grows bigger, I stare in awe that I was able to fit that monster inside me.

Reaching down, he pulls on his boxers before walking over to me. I blink a few times, still frozen at the door. As he gets closer that’s when I finally snap out of my moment, and I see the knowing grin on his face. I was more than caught checking him out. I was frozen just ogling his body, and so of course he noticed, particularly when I was staring at his dick.

He reaches my side and my cheeks flush red with embarrassment at getting caught—though I wasn’t exactly being discreet. He stops in front of me, his mouth so close I can feel his warm breath against my lips. He waits for a second, and I hold my breath, waiting for his next move. I could close the distance, but this feels like it has to be his choice.

Leaning forward, he captures my lips with his in a sweet, short, but bruising kiss. If I wasn’t already holding my breath, he would have without a shadow of a doubt taken my breath away. My stomach is flipping like a teenager with her first crush. As he pulls back, I try to get control of my emotions. Kisses like that really don’t help me to see this as just friends.

“I would love some breakfast, if you have something?” Lee asks, pulling my head out of the dangerous place it was just travelling to.

Nodding without saying a word, not able to trust my voice to come out normally, I simply lead the way back into the open plan kitchen-living room. I motion for Lee to take a seat on the sofa, and after finding out what he likes, I set about making some food. I don’t have a great deal in the house, I’m in between shifts, which means I will be going shopping later today. Thankfully, I have enough to make him some beans on toast, which he seems happy with.

Over the next hour, we sit at the table together just talking about random things. It’s like we are back on our first date all over again, and the conversation just flows naturally. He tells me about his job working in IT, fixing people’s computer and technology issues. He asks me about my job, and I tell him about the ward I work on, and how hard the work actually is. People read about nurses in the media, and they think they know us. Yes, occasionally we go on strike over pay, but it has to get really fucking bad for us to reach that state.

“Is it a hard decision for you to go on strike?” Lee asks, leaning forward with his elbows on the table, looking like he genuinely cares about my answer.

It occurs to me, he’s the only person that’s ever asked me that question. I mean, my family knows that we were balloted and as a whole we decided to strike, but they never asked me how I voted or why. It’s nice that he’s interested, and that’s why I decide to tell him the truth.

“Honestly, it was the easiest decision I ever made. I’ve worked so many shifts on my own, running a ward with over twenty sick people in it all by myself. Some days I might have the help of a health care assistant, but I’m the one in charge. I have nobody to relieve me. Nobody to take over if I want a wee, or if I want to have something to eat. If something goes wrong, and I have to call for help, they aren’t on the ward with me—meaning I have to keep the patient alive until help arrives from wherever the specialist team is in the hospital. We have so much responsibility, we work overtime with no pay, and we miss out on spending time with our family to take care of someone else’s.

“The least we deserve is to be paid fairly for it. The cost of living is rising, yet our wages aren’t. We are working harder for less money, and only when it gets dangerous do we ask for help. I know the media is never happy with us striking, but we only do it when there’s no other choice.”

I know I sound like I’ve just stepped off my soap box, but this really is something I feel passionate about. I love my job, but I want to be able to do it safely. It’s not necessarily about the money, it’s about the government taking notice of how hard the people in the NHS work, and it’s about us being appreciated.

I look over at Lee, expecting him to look a little bored after my rant, but he’s got the biggest smile on his face, and it lights up the room. He waits for me to stop talking fully before he replies. “Honestly, I think everyone who works for the NHS deserves better pay. I don’t blame you for striking. We’ve only been chatting for a couple of months, but even in that small space of time, I’ve seen how hard you work. The nights you’ve come home after working thirteen hour shifts without a break, and you’ve been knackered. The times you’ve barely been able to text me because you’ve had such a hard day. Or when you work night shifts and for like four days you don’t speak to anyone other than those you see at the hospital, since you’re like passing ships in the night with your family. I know you love your job, and honestly, I think you are amazing for loving it so much because you sure as fuck don’t have it easy. When the day comes for you to strike, I’m sure you’ll have a lot more support than you realise.”

He reaches over and places his hand on top of mine, and I hate the way it tingles from his touch. My stomach flips as I try not to think about how much my body is drawn to him. I need to keep my emotions in check, and ignore the damn fluttering in my chest.

His smile is wide, and it causes his beautiful blue eyes to light up. With his free hand, he rakes his fingers through his dark hair, causing it to spike up all over the place, giving him the perfect bed hair—that I’m only a little jealous of. Despite running my hands through my long, purple hair, it’s still sticking up at all angles. I’m lucky it’s perfectly straight and doesn’t curl, otherwise I’d look like a frizz ball right about now.

“So, now we’ve eaten, are you kicking me out, or shall we go out and have a bit of fun?” Lee asks, the cheeky glint in his eyes lets me know he’s got an idea in mind for what he wants to do.

Do friends-with-benefits go out on dates? Is it a date, or just two friends spending the day together? Fuck if I know. All I know is that I have a long list of things I need to get done today before I start back at work tomorrow on day shifts. But that list goes out of the window completely as now all I can think about is spending the day with Lee.

“What do you have in mind?”



Idon’t really know what the hell came over me when I asked Em to spend the day with me. I mean, I don’t exactly know what the rules are with regards to a friends-with-benefits situation, but surely this could fall under the friend part. Two people hanging out and having a laugh together—the very definition of friends.

So why, as I sit on the seaside wall, eating chips with one hand and Em’s hand clasped with my other hand, does this feel a little more like something other than friends?

As soon as I mentioned spending the day together, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. We drove to the nearest beach just under an hour away from us. The whole way there, we just talked, and the conversation flowed easily. It’s like we’ve known each other for a very long time, instead of just a few short months—and even that contained a break where we didn’t speak. Still, things with Em are easy, and I actually like being in her company. It is a weird concept, given I prefer my own company to anyone else's.

As soon as we got to the small seaside town, and we parked up, I took hold of Em’s hand and started dragging her toward the pier. I choose not to think about why I clasp our fingers together, or how tingly my hand feels connected to hers. I could say I’m holding her hand to make sure I don’t lose her in the crowd, but we all know I’d just be bullshitting my brain. I feel a level of protectiveness over her.

Last night was without a shadow of a doubt the best sex I’ve ever had. I have messed about with other girls, and have done a little bit of Dom stuff with them, but I’ve never had a connection with any of them that has meant I can fully let go. In order to take control fully, I have to have trust with the girl. I have to know she will tell me before she reaches her limit, not after I’ve gone too far. Initially, with Emmaleigh having so little self confidence, I was worried she wouldn’t be able to tell me how she felt or what she liked. I thought she’d just do whatever I wanted to please me.

There obviously was an element of that, and she got off massively on the praise kink—as did I—but she also learnt to tell me what she wants. I loved watching her become more confident as the night went on, and towards the end I even felt like she was embracing her beauty.

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