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She smiles. “I have to say, as dates go, this has been the most amazing one ever. I can’t wait to read all my missed messages. Should be fun.”

Her words bring a smile to my face. Maybe now, she won’t see me as the bad guy, but someone she wants to spend time with. I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her finger, which should have a ring on it, but doesn’t. I slowly let our hands fall but because I’m all about taking shots with this woman, I lean in and hedge my bets. My lips press to hers and I fully expect her to push me away, but she doesn’t.

Leah’s hands go to my neck, she pulls me forward and whimpers as our tongues meet. She pushes her body against mine, but her voice lingers in the back of my head, no sex, so I slam my hand against her door to keep myself from touching her. I let her hands roam before I step away.

“Good night, Leah.” I hate the words but I’m trying to respect her right now. I head toward the stairs, needing to exert some energy. I’d give anything to be with her, but she has to tell me, with her words, she’s changed her mind. Otherwise, I would feel like I’m taking advantage of the situation, and that’s not who I am.



“Good night, Leah.”

Greyson steps away and heads toward the stairs. I want to tell him to come back, but I have to test him. He walks through the door to the stairs and doesn’t look back. I wondered if he’d try to stay, but he didn’t. I respect that. What I love more is that he respects me. Never once did he try to overstep the boundaries today. On the contrary, I’m the one who initiated the touching.

Opening the door to my room, I step inside and toss my bag on the couch. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. It’s been a long time since I’ve let loose and just did something off the wall and crazy. Being with Greyson was exhilarating. Flying to Vegas, getting married, and just doing whatever I wanted felt amazing. Granted, we’re not actually married, but it was fun. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life. The pictures are even more epic. By the time we got off the plane, the picture Greyson posted of us at the chapel had already gotten half a million likes. So many congratulations mixed in with some “oh shit” type comments. My brother’s name got mentioned several times. Judging by all of the messages on my phone, I have no doubt most of them are from him.

I lay down on the bed and click on my messages. Yep, most of them are from Bryan. There are several from my mother, saying that she hopes what Greyson and I are doing is a joke. And also, that my father is pissed. Then again, I have a feeling most of that is coming from Bryan. My father knows about the animosity between them. I’ve overheard my dad talk about how amazing Greyson is at golfing when he’s not around Bryan. If Bryan didn’t have an issue with Greyson, I’m pretty sure my dad wouldn’t either.

Taking a deep breath, I open up Bryan’s messages.

Bryan: Seriously, Leah? What the hell are you doing with Jennings? And in Vegas? Don’t do anything you’ll regret!

Bryan: Holy shit! You got married! I’m going to kick his fucking ass. He’s only doing this to fuck with me!

There are plenty more, but they’re all the same. Of course, he’d see it as Greyson trying to use me to get a rise out of him. Yes, Greyson’s done some underhanded things like going to the media with bogus stories to embarrass him. I’m sure my brother was just pissed that he never thought of doing the same thing to Greyson in the first place. Bryan doesn’t know Greyson like I do. The world doesn’t revolve around my brother and it’s time he realizes that.

Once I’m through reading all the text messages, I click on my voicemail. Bryan’s voice is frantic and pissed. “Please, God, Leah what the fuck are you doing with that asshole? He’s only using you to get to me. It’s what he’s been trying to do for years. You can’t trust him.” He huffs and I can hear the anger. “If he hurts you in any way, I’m going to kill him. He’s gone too far this time. Just don’t let him get close to you. You’re too smart for this, Leah. You don’t know what he’s really like, but I do.”

Bryan’s only seen the dickhead side of Greyson. I know how they’ve been toward each other. I’ve seen it firsthand at all the tournaments. Something tells me that no matter what I say about Greyson, my brother won’t believe a word of it. We will just have to agree to disagree on this.

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