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Leah glances up at me and smiles. “Okay. Just wondering if I’m going to be able to read my book on the flight or if we’re going to talk the whole time.”

Damn her mouth is sassy and it makes me want to kiss her to shut her up. “I’m sure there will be time for you to read your romance book,” I say.

She scoffs. “What makes you think it’s romance?”

“Dunno.” I shrug. “Most women I know read those books and then they expect us men to act like those fictional characters, which if you’re asking me is the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard.”

Leah’s mouth drops open. “That’s because the men in my books are perfect, unlike you.” She winks and the elevator doors open, interrupting what I’d hoped to be a witty reply to come out of my mouth. Unfortunately, she got me. I’m not perfect. Far from it.

My car is waiting in the valet space when we walk out the doors. I point and the valet rushes over to open the door for Leah. He hands me my keys and tells us to have a nice day. If he only knew. Once we’re on the road, the airfield isn’t that far, which is nice. The flight to Las Vegas is four hours with the time zone change working in our favor.

“What kind of jet do you have?”

“One that flies me where I need to go,” I tease.

She smacks me on the arm. “Wow, you’re just full of wit this morning.”

“You make it too easy.”

I smile at her and she pats my leg. “It’s okay. I’ll just read my book instead of talking to you if that’s how you’re going to be.”

I love that she makes me laugh. “What are you reading anyway?”

Her eyes twinkle. “It’s a romance.” I want to lean over and kiss her, but know that if I do, she’ll jump out of my car and our date will be over. Instead, I just shake my head and smile.

“If you want me to act like the heroes in your book, you’ll have to tell me how.”

“Why so you do the opposite?”

“No.” I laugh and pick up her hand. I bring it to my lips and press them to her skin. “So, I can make sure you’re getting your dream date. I may not be your dream guy, but we can pretend for the day.” As much as I don’t want to, I set her hand back down and focus on the turns I have to take to get to the hanger where my plane is renting space.

I help Leah out of the car, and we walk to the jet. Introductions are made and while we’re getting comfortable, the attendant brings us cups of coffee.

“Wow, full service, huh?”

“Only the best for our date.” I wink, set my mug down and stretch my legs out. Within a few minutes, we’re airborne. Leah snuggles into her chair and wraps her blanket around her legs. She pulls her book out and starts reading.

“Read to me.”

“What?” she asks, staring wide-eyed at me.

I nod at her book. “Read to me.”

Leah holds eye contact for a bit before she turns back to the book. She starts reading, her voice smooth, calming, and seductive. When she comes to the juicy parts, her breathing hitches. Normally, I’d say something sarcastic, but not this time. I don’t care what she’s reading, I could easily listen to her all day.

One of the things I love about Las Vegas is how close the airport is to the Strip. It makes it nice and easy to get to the hotel. The car share drops us off at the Bellagio. Again, I help Leah out of the car. She doesn’t let go of my hand and I try not to call attention to it. We walk into the hotel and toward the elevators.

“What are we doing here?”

“We have a room.”

She jerks to a stop. “Hold up, Greyson. We’re spending the night and sharing a room? I told you I’m not sleeping with you.”

I turn toward her and take small steps until she’s backed against the wall. I lean in really close and say, “I thought you’d like a place to freshen up before we get food, play a couple card games, visit the strip and have dinner. We are set to take a red-eye flight back tonight. That is,” I pause and play with a piece of her hair. Before I can finish, the doors open and the moment is lost. We ride up to our floor and head down the hall. When I reach the door, Leah is right there.

“I overreacted. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” I tell her. “I haven’t forgotten your terms.” Placing my phone against the lock, it clicks. I open the door and show Leah into the very suite I do hope to wine and dine her back into later so we can be naked and watch the fountains perform.

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