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I can’t wait any longer. It’s been too long without him. I fumble with his jeans and get them unbuttoned. His cock jumps when I run my hand down it, massaging him.

Colby grasps my lip between his teeth and groans. “I’m sorry for what I said. You have to know the truth. I never meant—”

“Shut up,” I gasp. There will be time for words later. “Just shut up and help me out of my clothes.”

His eyes spark, then he lifts my shirt and unclasps my bra, freeing my aching breasts. I gasp when he closes his lips over my nipple, sucking it between his teeth. I grab onto his shoulders and everything inside of me tightens. I wrap my legs around his waist and work myself over his erection.

“Ah fuck,” Colby moans. He unlatches my legs and keeps his gaze on mine as he unbuttons my jeans and slides them to the ground. I step out of them and he slides his fingers between my legs. My eyes roll into the back of my head as he pushes one inside, then another.

He pulls them out and stares at me when he puts them in his mouth. The level of raw intensity in his gaze makes me tremble. I’ve never had anyone look at me like that before. Lifting me in his arms, I wrap my legs around his waist, and he walks us over to a pile of hay bales and gently lays me down. My breaths come out quick, my heart thumping in my chest. The anticipation is torture.

Colby brushes the hair away from my face, his arousal aligning with my opening. When he pushes himself inside, I cry out and dig my nails into his back, relishing the feel of him stretching me wide. His thrusts grow hard and fast. I’m so close to the edge, I’m about to explode.

He trails his lips to my neck and bites down, his fingers digging into my hips. “You feel so fucking good.”

I rock my hips against his and cry out as my release explodes through every nerve in my body. Colby follows closely behind, grunting as his cock pulsates inside me. My whole body trembles and I ache for more.

Still connected, he rests on his elbows and gazes down at me. “You okay? At first, I thought maybe I hurt you.”

I shake my head. “It was a good hurt. I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

His brows lift. “What about that guy you were with at the gala?”

“His name’s William,” I say with a smile. “We’re just friends. I’m not exactly his type.”

A soft chuckle escapes his lips. “That’s good to hear.” Then he releases a heavy sigh and slowly pulls out of me. “Look, I’m sorry for everything. I didn’t think you wanted to see me again after I left. And when I did see you, you were so angry.”

I grasp his face and kiss him. “Why did you leave? If it wasn’t because of me, then what was it?”

His jaw clenches. “There are so many reasons, Bri. He did something underhanded with Maximus and I couldn’t stand for it.”

“What?” I gasp. “What did he do?” I’ve never heard anything involving Maximus.

Colby huffs. “When Maximus was born, I knew he’d be a derby winner one day. I went to your father about striking up a deal with the owner to rent him, but he went behind my back and tried to buy him outright and take him away from his mother. I lost all respect for him after that.”

“Oh my God. I didn’t know.” How could my father do that? Does it surprise me? No. I just wish I had known. “So, this whole thing has been a misunderstanding.”

Colby nods. “That’s what it looks like. I never wanted to leave you. I knew that as long as I worked for your father, he wouldn’t see me as anything more than a horse trainer.”

“You’re more than that,” I say.

He nods. “I know, but he doesn’t. There’s no way he’ll ever approve of me. To be honest, I don’t care if he ever does. I know my worth.”

My thoughts are everywhere. I’m angry at my father, angry at myself. Tears stream down my cheeks. “I assumed the worst and I’m sorry. So much time has been wasted.”

He wipes away my tears. “It doesn’t have to be that way anymore. Things can change.”

“What about my dad?” I ask. “He’ll make things difficult if he finds out about us.”

Colby smiles and brushes a thumb across my lips. “I’m not worried about him. But if you are, we can keep it a secret … for now.” He winks and gets to his feet so he can slip on his jeans. Then he hands me my clothes. “You might need these.”

“Thanks.” I get dressed quickly and slip on my hat. “I should probably get back to the gala.”
