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“You won’t believe what I’ve managed to organize,” Mike began, leaning against the counter.

Nicky raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious despite herself. “Do tell.”

Mike’s eyes gleamed. “For the grand re-opening of the bookstore, I’ve managed to secure a book launch of a number one best-selling mystery author.”

Nicky’s smile faltered momentarily, and she cleared her throat, her past colliding head-on with Mike’s suggestion. “A book launch? That sounds... interesting. Who’s the author?”

“Mitch Stone,” Mike answered, oblivious to the sudden tension in the room.

Nicky felt like the air had been sucked out of her lungs. Mitch Stone. It was a name she had tried to erase from her memory. Her time working in the publishing industry in Miami had left her with a bitter taste in her mouth, and Mitch Stone was at the center of it all.

“Are you okay, Nicky?” Mike’s concerned voice broke through her turbulent thoughts.

She blinked, trying to regain her composure. “I’m fine,” she lied.

The name Mitch Stone brought a twinge of discomfort to Nicky. It was a name she’d rather forget, a name that had nearly cost her a promising career in publishing back in Miami. Despite the unexpected turmoil that surged within her, she managed to put on her best smile and asked, “Mitch Stone?”

Unaware of Nicky’s history with the name, Mike responded enthusiastically, “Yeah, Mitch Stone. You know, the bestselling mystery author. I actually know his agent and Mitch himself quite well. His second mystery novel is about to hit the shelves. Having the launch right here at our bookstore could draw a ton of attention to Sully’s Corner. It’s just what we need to kick off the grand reopening with a bang.”

Nicky’s reluctance simmered beneath her smile. She’d never met Mitch Stone in person, and he certainly had no idea who she was. In her mind, she mulled over the idea. It was a practical move for the bookstore, but it meant dealing with a name she’d rather keep buried in her past. Nicky saw the excitement sparkling in Mike’s eyes, and her heart lurched. How could she say no?

“I think that’s a great idea,” Nicky told him, hoping her reservations weren’t mirrored in her eyes. “But it’s a big undertaking when we only have a week until our grand re-opening of Sully’s Corner.”

“I know, and I’m sorry. I just want Sully’s Corner to be as great as it used to be.” Mike nodded and frowned, looking around the store. “Where’s Riley?”

“My mother has her. She’s taken her to her tennis club to brag about her new granddaughter.” Nicky rolled her eyes. “That poor baby has been smothered with love and doting fans in my family, yours, and our friends.”

“That’s because she’s so cute.” Love shone from Mike’s eyes as he spoke about Riley. “These past four weeks have been a bit of a learning curve for me.” He gave a sheepish smile. “She’s the first baby I’ve cared for.”

“Oh!” Nicky’s eyes widened. “I just assumed you’d have helped your sister with Jade as you seem so good with Riley.”

“No.” Mike’s eyes widened, and he shook his head. “Jade was tiny, and I was so scared that I only held her if I was sitting down or one of her parents was close by.”

Nicky laughed at the look of terror that flashed in his eyes while remembering Jade as a baby. “Then you’ve come a long way because you’re fantastic with Riley, and she’s also tiny.”

“I know!” Mike agreed and smiled. “But I’ve had you supporting me, and Sam, your mom, and sisters barking orders like sergeants.”

“I know, right?” Nicky shook her head in exasperation. “They’ve been like that with me too. They forget they were once first-time parents.”

The room fell silent after Nicky referred to them as parents, and she saw Mike’s eyes darken with emotion.

“Thank you, Nicky, for letting me have such an active role in Riley’s life.” Mike’s voice was soft and hoarse.

“I don’t know how I’d have coped without your support, Mike,” Nicky told him honestly as her heart went wild as their eyes locked.

Belvedere barked from behind the counter, making them both jump as the dog shot toward the back doors, his tail wagging excitedly. They both turned to see Jade and Gemma on their way toward the store from the beach.

“I think you’ve lost your dog to those two.” Mike laughed, breaking the sudden tension in the room.

“Them and Riley,” Nicky added and said with pride, “I can’t believe how protective he is over all the kids.”

“He’s a great dog,” Mike told her. “And I’m not just saying that because he’s the only animal that seems to like me.”

“Ah, yes, your domestic animal curse.” Nicky laughed, remembering Sam, Gemma, Harry, and Jade’s stories about Mike and his bad luck with animals.

“Hi, Nicky, Uncle Mike,” Jade and Gemma greeted as they entered the store before doting on Belvedere.

“We’ve come to take Belvedere out for a walk,” Jade told them and looked around the store. “We’re’s Riley?”
