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“I remember that.” Mike smiled.

The ringing of Nicky’s phone interrupted them. She leaned over and lifted it off the table. Her brow furrowed when she saw the caller was Megan.

“It’s Megan,” Nicky told him. “Excuse me.” She answered the phone. “Hello, Megan.”

“Nicky—” Alarm coursed through Nicky as she heard the desperation in Megan’s voice. “Please, I need help. I’ve been having sharp cramping pains the whole day, and now I think my water just broke.”

“What?” Nicky sat upright in the chair. Her wide eyes caught Mike’s questioning ones. “We’ll be right there. Just hang on, okay?”

“‘What’s wrong?” Mike asked as soon as Nicky hung up. “Megan’s water broke, and I think she’s in labor.”

“Let’s go,” Mike said, bolting to his feet and pulling Nicky up with him.


Mikepacedthesterilehospital corridor, feeling like a fish out of water. He’d been at Physicians Regional Medical Center - Pine Ridge in Naples for a mere twenty minutes. Still, it felt like hours since they’d brought Megan in. Her water had broken and they were in the hospital awaiting the next steps in this whirlwind of events.

Nicky, calm and collected, was with Megan. She sat by her side, offering words of encouragement and comfort. Mike could see the determined look in Nicky’s eyes. She’d had more experience with the arrival of new babies and was a pillar of support for the terrified Megan.

He, on the other hand, felt like he was stumbling through the unknown. This was his first time being responsible for bringing an expectant mother to the hospital, and he was acutely aware of his inexperience.

As he wandered the hallway, searching for a nurse or someone who could help, he thought about how Nicky seemed to effortlessly step into the caretaker role. It was as if she had a natural instinct for caring for people, whether it was animals, her family, or someone she’d not known very long. He admired her strength and composure.

Turning a corner, Mike finally spotted a nurse in pale blue scrubs at a nearby desk, shuffling through some paperwork.

“Excuse me,” Mike said, trying to keep his voice steady. “I’m looking for some ice chips for an expecting mother. She’s in room three-o-five.”

The nurse, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes, looked up from her paperwork and gave Mike a warm smile. “Of course, dear. Just give me a moment to grab a cup, and I’ll get you some ice chips.”

Mike nodded, feeling grateful for the nurse’s understanding. He watched as she swiftly prepared a cup of ice chips, her experienced hands moving with practiced efficiency. It was comforting to see someone who knew what they were doing.

As the nurse handed him the cup, she spoke softly, “Is this your first baby?”

“It’s the daughter of an old friend.” Mike nodded, suddenly feeling the weight of the situation. “But it’s her first baby and mine.” He shook his head as he realized what he’d implied. “The baby’s not mine—” he corrected and ran a shaky hand through his hair.

“I understand.” The nurse patted his arm reassuringly, her smile widening as she listened to Mike fumble through his sentences, trying to find words in his whirling mind. “Don’t worry, dear. The doctors and nurses will take good care of her. It’s a special moment bringing a new life into the world.”

Mike managed a small smile, grateful for her words. He took the cup of ice chips and thanked the nurse before making his way back to the room.

When he returned to Megan’s room, Nicky was still by her side, holding her hand and offering words of encouragement. Megan looked tired but determined, her eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

Mike approached Nicky, offering the cup of ice chips to Megan. “I got these for you.”

Nicky smiled gratefully and took the cup. “Thanks, Mike. I’ll take those.”

Megan, her voice strained, managed a weak smile. “Yeah, thanks, Mike.”

Mike pulled up a chair, sitting beside Nicky. He could feel the tension in the room, the palpable sense of waiting for something significant to happen. He wanted to be there for Nicky and Megan, even if he wasn’t entirely sure how.

“Do you have children, Nicky?” Megan asked.

“No, unfortunately not.” Nicky gave a tight smile, and sadness darkened her eyes.

“May I ask why not?” Megan panted as a wave of pain hit her, and she grabbed her stomach

Nicky talked her through the pain.

“I wanted children,” Nicky told Megan, trying to calm the young woman. “But it wasn’t meant to be.” She smiled. “I can’t have any, and before my divorce, I was going to adopt.”
