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“Of course,” Mike said, trying to convince himself as well. “You go ahead, sweetheart.”

Jade took off, and Mike turned to see Harry shaking his head at him.

“Why did you lie to Nicky about being able to ride?” Harry asked him as they kicked the horse into a walk, with Mischa being led by Harry.

“I didn’t lie,” Mike hissed, tired of people putting his riding skills down. “I simply didn’t tell her the whole truth.”

“Yes, I just said that,” Harry pointed out. “You lied.”

They rode behind the woman, whom they could hear laughing and chatting ahead of them.

“I didn’t lie. I may have slightly misled her,” Mike admitted.

“You must be relieved, though,” Harry said, and Mike glanced at him, confused.

“About?” Mike’s brows knitted together.

“About Nicky not being too concerned about you plowing her down last night.” Harry started to chuckle as he saw Mike swear beneath his breath.

“Jade told you about that?” Mike hissed.

“No, it wasn’t Jade.” Harry’s chuckle turned into a laugh.

“Jade was the only one around at the time.” Mike’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“Nope, Sam witnessed the whole thing.” Harry’s words made Mike go cold. “She was on her way to check on Megan.”

“Great!” Mike hissed and accidentally kicked Midnight, spurring him into a gallop.

Mike nearly fell off with the force at which the horse took off, and he found himself hanging on for his life with Harry shouting after him.

“Rein him in!” Harry called.

After that, everything went by in a blur because of the speed at which Mike found himself flying over the ground. He had no idea where she came from, but he was flooded with relief when Nicky appeared beside him and stopped Midnight.

“Whoa, boy!” Nicky called to Midnight as she skillfully managed to reign the rampaging horse in while not losing her balance in her saddle. “Whoa!” When Midnight stopped and pranced a bit, Mike breathed a sigh of relief, and Nicky asked him. “Are you okay?”

“Humiliated!” Mike admitted, “but I’m fine,” and he grinned at her as he realized that although he was speeding out of control on top of a powerful animal, it was exhilarating. “And oddly exhilarated at the same time.”

“That’s the adrenaline and the incredible feeling of flying across the land.” Nicky smiled. “It’s like no feeling on earth.”

“It really is.” Mike agreed. “I’m sorry you had to rush after me.”

He’d galloped a horse before but had never gone as fast as that.

“Are you kidding?” Nicky’s eyes shone, and that’s when he realized she’d loved getting her horse up to a high speed after him. “Except for the worry that something might happen to you or Midnight, Storm Chaser and I were thrilled to come after you.”

“He’s a beautiful horse.” Mike looked pointedly at the horse as his heart rate finally slowed.

“I know. My father left him to me.” Nicky’s voice caught, and her eyes clouded with emotion.

“Everything alright here?” Harry came riding up to them. His face was white with worry.

“Yes, he’s fine,” Nicky assured Harry.

“You’re lucky Nicky was here,” Harry grumbled at Mike. “She’s the most accomplished rider out of all of us.”

“He’s fine,” Nicky assured Harry again. “Mike was handling Midnight really well and had basically stopped him by the time I got near them.”
