Page 5 of Rough Riding

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Pride shines in my friend’s eyes. “I did, didn’t I?” She glances around as well, taking in her workers buzzing around behind the counter and the line starting to form at the counter. “Sometimes I still can’t believe it,” she admits softly.

“I can,” I boast and wiggle my eyebrows at her which causes her to laugh. “I always knew you would make your dream into a reality. It’s a good thing because I don’t know if I could have continued eating all your baked goods without some help,” I tease her.

“Well, you have help now.” Her eyes practically fucking sparkle as she looks at the door opening to allow more customers to enter her shop.

They have a look of excitement on their faces, like they’ve just entered a world of sweet oblivion. Which they have. Bites of Bliss smells so damn good that you want to get one of everything displayed in the cases.

I’m in awe of the way Bellamy has been able to change up her offerings, ensuring her regulars aren’t bored and new customers will always find something that intrigues them. I’ll admit, I kind of miss the holiday treats she had on display just weeks ago, but if last Spring is any indication, then I can’t wait for that to roll around again. It’ll be a fest of freshness and renewal, just in the form of baked goods.

Could anything be better?

“I’ve started opening up bookings for corporate meetings with delivery,” there’s a hint of worry in her voice that has me focusing on her. “I hope people like it. I have a few new customers and if it goes well then word of mouth will work in my favor.”

“Oh, they’ll like your goods,” I sass her with a wink which has her cheeks turning pink.

She rolls her eyes at me and huffs, “Stop. They’re going to be clients. You know I don’t mix business and pleasure, and my bakery is too new to have that sort of reputation.”

“Yeah,” I sigh, “but a girl can dream. You gotta love a man in a nice suit.”

For her.

My tastes have always tended toward a bad boy than a corporate type of guy, but that is who I could see Bellamy with. She needs someone steady in her life, someone who will have her back and understand the meaning of hard work. She sure as shit doesn’t need a devil may care kind of guy.

I wouldn’t mind one of those. Probably. If he has a heart of gold as well.

And isn’t that the problem? I’m not sure the unicorn of a man I want even exists.

My love for the bad boy is one of the reasons one of my favorite clients is the Devil’s Saints MC. I make their leather cuts and personalize their patches. Not only do I get to use my skills and make a little money, but it gives me the opportunity, if only for a minute, to imagine myself on the back of one of their bikes and holding on tight while my face is pressed into their sun-soaked leather cut.

Talk about an unrequited dream.

I’ve met a few brothers when they’ve come to pick up their order. Unfortunately, Rites and Crucify feel more like big brothers than men I want to ride until I can’t feel my legs anymore.

What a fucking shame.

But that does remind me I’m expecting one of them to pick up a cut this afternoon. With a glance at the time on my phone, I cringe. I swear Bellamy’s pastries make me lose time.

Granted, I thought I’d just pop in and say hello. I wasn’t expecting to be a taste tester, but I’m not complaining.

Bellamy makes a humming sound in response to my comment about a man in a nice suit. She pretends to not be interested and focused only on her business, but I know her better than she knows herself. I’ll let it go. For now.

“Sorry to scarf and run,” I wink at Bellamy, “but I need to get going. I have someone picking up an order and these are not the kind of men you make wait.”

There’s a teasing lilt to her voice and I can tell she’s thrilled to turn the tables on me, “Oh, your hot bikers again?”

“They are hot, but not for me,” I pout as I stand, and she follows my lead.

After a fierce hug, one that goes beyond friendship and renews our souls, along with our worry for our absent third bestie, I’m out the door and heading home. Crucify and Rites love to give me shit and I’m sure today will be no different.

Maybe one day I’ll meet the right man for me, but right now, I’m good. A little loneliness never hurt anyone.




I grumble as I dismount my bike. No, I don’t really have a problem running this errand for Spark, especially since it’s for our newest brother, even though he has no idea he’s about to end his time as a prospect. I’m just not looking forward to being ogled by whatever old lady is sewing our cuts.

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