Page 3 of Rough Riding

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I give Evelyn a chin lift, knowing she’s talking about a going away party for Lennon, who is an angel, but not, at the same time. She’s more of a den mother than an angel and travels around to different chapters to help where she can. That’s not to say she doesn’t have some fun with a brother when she wants, but it’s different from the other angels.

She’s become family in a way most of the angels will never be. She’s moving to Phoenix soon, no longer able to resist the demands of her mother. I know she’s not looking forward to it, and I hope she knows she always has a home here.

“We can put that together,” McKenzie, Bronco’s old lady, pipes up.

“There’s another celebration we need to put together as well,” I keep my voice low.

The women around the table look at me for a moment and when I give a slight tug to my cut, understanding lights up the faces of Evelyn and McKenzie. Robyn still looks confused, but I know the women will fill her in.

“Monk,” I turn toward Spark, DSCM’s Prez, when he calls out my name and give him a chin lift.

“Ladies,” I look at the table their men are occupying not far away, their eyes glued on their women possessively, “don’t drink too much and end up giving my brothers a hard time.”

McKenzie giggles and shakes her head, mischief dancing in her eyes. “We would never, Monk,” she promises, faux innocence lining her words.

A small smile tugs at the edges of my lips but I squash it as I shake my head and make my way toward my Prez. Spark is a good man, one I’m proud to follow. Not only did he help me find Sofia, even if it was too late, but he gave me an outlet for the violence always simmering under the surface.

He gives me a chin lift when I’m close enough and I know it’s the only greeting required between us. I’ve been one of his enforcers for years and we trust each other with our lives.

“I need you to go and pick something up tomorrow. Normally Crucify or Rites would go, but Rites has a meeting,” he starts to explain.

“And Crucify is in Wyoming,” I finish, and he nods.

Rites is our VP and Crucify is an enforcer, like me, one who went down to Mistletoe Creek with Friar to find the hacker. While he was out of town, Crucify’s sister, Lake, decided she needed a new life and went off to Wyoming to be a mail order bride. To say the man was pissed and hurt is an understatement.

Crucify was barely home for a few days before he headed out to Wyoming to be there at Lake’s side when she gets married. Well, at least it’s what we’re hoping he’s doing and not trying to bury the body of the man she’s marrying. In Wyoming…in the winter.

“You got it, Prez.”

I owe this man and the club my life. If he needs me to run an errand, then that’s what I’ll do. I live and breathe for the DSMC. It’s who I am, and it gives me purpose.

I don’t need anything or anyone else.



I look at my best friend and smile as she pushes her glasses up her nose. While she might be at home inside of her bakery, she looks like she belongs in a library. She just gives that vibe, and then there are her reading habits which make her like a nerdy wet dream.

When a man finally looks past her shyness and her timid nature, to really look when she comes alive, it’ll be a show for sure. I can’t wait. She deserves to be worshiped.

I sigh because I deserve the same, but I haven’t clicked with someone in a long fucking time. If I wanted to be honest with myself—and where is the fun in that—I’ve never really clicked with a guy the way I yearn to.

Everything in me desires a soul deep connection, a love that stands the test of time. I want something unshakeable. If I didn’t know it exists, I’m not sure if I would believe in it anymore.

My parents have that kind of love and so I know it’s possible, but I’m not sure how probable it is anymore. I’m sure some would blame the internet. Or the change of gender dynamics. Or that people are just lazy.

I don’t want to blame anything for the lack of love in my life, and how people seem perfectly content to hurt each other instead of holding someone close. I just want to experience it. I won’t be satisfied until I do.

That’s why I stopped trying to capture lightning a few years ago and decided to focus on me and my business. I’ve thrived in many ways because of it. I’ve maintained my friendships with two women who mean the world to me, even if we don’t get to see Sparrow as much as we used to, and I’ve built something I’m damn proud of in my business.

Who knew being a seamstress could be lucrative?

If I were a little more hoity-toity then I would call myself a designer, but I’m not like that. I do love designing original creations and have made a good name for myself in Seattle, but I don’t just design. The bread and butter of my business is sewing things my clients need with very little going into the design process.

That makes me more of a seamstress, right?

Doesn’t matter because I love it.

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