Page 74 of After the Storm

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I’dhurried home to catch a shower and change as quickly as I could for my meeting. This was a big one, and I hadn’t slept a whole lot, but I didn’t care. Normally before a meeting of this magnitude, I would have gone to bed early and laid out my clothes the night before.

But none of that seemed all that important in the grand scheme of things.

Gracie had had a nightmare, and she’d wanted me to comfort her.

Had anything ever felt that damn good before?

Being needed by that little angel kind of trumped everything. What I wore to this meeting seemed less important this morning, but maybe it was because I hadn’t slept much.

I pulled out my cream business suit and chuckled when I thought of what Lola said. I normally would choose my black suit, but that just felt boring this morning. I slipped on the cream silk shell before pulling up the skirt and pushing my arms through the sleeves of my blazer. I’d usually wear heels, even though no one could see my feet, just because it made me feel more put together. But today, I slipped on my scuffed-up cowboy booties, which were far more comfortable and gave me a different kind of confidence.

I wore my hair in loose waves and applied my makeup, keeping things light and natural, before setting up my laptop at the little nook table. I set my coffee mug and a large glass of water on the table so they’d be there if needed.

I yawned a few times as I looked over my notes and saw the text from Phillip come through.


Good morning. I’m going to be on the call, but I won’t be speaking unless you need me to. This is your meeting. You’re about to be an official partner at this firm. Take the reins and work your magic and close this deal.

I blew out a long breath and shook off the nerves.

Don’t worry one bit. I’ve got this.


I don’t have a doubt in the world. See you soon.

I cleared my throat and used the camera as a mirror to make sure my hair and makeup were okay before joining the meeting room.

One by one, different faces came into view as they introduced themselves. Phillip was there, and I was actually relieved that Grant and Ben weren’t attending, as they would just be looking for areas to criticize me.

Dan Walker, the president of A.R.C. Network, was in his mid-fifties, with silver hair and a friendly smile. Margo Linsworth was the vice president of the company, and there were two other men, John Windsor and Pete Harlow, who were members of the board.

“Thank you all for being here. I’d like to tell you a bit about our firm and share all the reasons why we’d be your best choice for your legal representation,” I said.

Margo was the first to speak. “I recently read the article inNew York Lawmagazine about you becoming the first female partner of the firm. That was quite a spread they did on you. Happy to see it. You’ve got one impressive résumé.”

“Thank you,” I said, grateful that they’d done their research. “I’ve worked at Harper, Wallace, and Beezley since I graduated from law school, and actually even before that, as I interned for Phillip Harper while I was still a student.”

“May I just add that she graduated fromHarvard Law Schoolat the top of her class? She’s a bit humble, if you haven’t noticed. I think Presley is one of the great legal minds of our future.”

They all smiled and nodded, and I felt my cheeks heat at the compliment. Phillip was a very well-known and respected attorney, and getting praise from him was as good as it gets.

“Thank you for the kind words. So, let’s get down to business, shall we?” I reached for my coffee, acting like I was completely at ease when inside, my heart was racing so fast that I feared they would hear it. “If you’re looking for a firm that will make you their priority and always be one step ahead of any fires coming your way, then you’ve come to the right place. And let me tell you why,” I said, as I started my PowerPoint presentation.

I shared our background, several cases we’d won, different examples of situations that had been handled with the utmost discretion, and our track record for being the best in the business.

It was an easy case to plead because I truly believed it was true.

I wouldn’t want to be a partner at a firm I didn’t believe in.

We went back and forth for the next hour, with them asking questions that were easy to answer. Phillip never had to interject even once. I didn’t miss the smile on his face every time I glanced at him.

And it felt damn good.

I’d proven that I was more than ready for this next step.
