Page 46 of After the Storm

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“Nah. I already spoke to Gracie. I asked my mom to let Kate, my receptionist, know to reschedule my appointments for tomorrow. Hopefully, we can make it to White Peak and bring that horse home with us if the roads have cleared.”

I sat back down and tore open the package of M&M’s, not even caring that I’d probably have a terrible stomachache by morning. I was hungry, and donuts and candy were better than nothing.

“You still want to go?”

“We’re here, right?” he asked as he ate a few handfuls of chips.

“Yeah. We’re here.”

“I hope you won’t be missing any important appointments tomorrow. You’ll be able to reschedule them?” I sat back down beside him.

“It’s not a problem. Mr. Wigglestein is scheduled to be neutered in the morning so that everyone in Cottonwood Cove can sleep better. But one more day won’t matter. Although Mrs. Remington is so hell-bent against doing it, she’ll probably take this as a sign.”

My head fell back in laughter. “I heard about this scandal. He’s impregnated quite a few ladies, right?”

“He sure has. She lets him run all over the place, humping everyone in sight. But the women have spoken, and they’ve had enough.” He smirked, and damn, the man was sexy.

“Hey, it’s a bitch’s world. Let them reign. I should offer my legal assistance to the female dogs in town if she doesn’t go through with it.”

“Trust me. If she doesn’t go through with it, I’ll hire you myself.”

He pushed to his feet and brushed off his hands before rolling up the bag of chips and setting it on the dresser.

There was no TV in the room, and I cleared off the wrappers from the bed while Cage closed the curtains.

“I can sleep on the floor,” he said, reaching for a pillow.

“Don’t be ridiculous. We’ve been through hell tonight. I think we’re mature enough to share a bed, right? Plus, it’s freezing in here. I’m counting on your body heat to keep me from getting pneumonia.” I tried to make a joke, but I was just as nervous as he was about sharing a bed.

And this was not a big bed. This was a poor excuse for a full-sized bed.

I moved to the bathroom to wash my hands, and I brushed my teeth with my finger and some water.

Cage was already beneath the ugly comforter when I stepped out, his back resting against the dingy headboard, and I walked across the room and flipped off the light. I tiptoed to the other side of the bed and slipped beneath the scratchy covers. I rubbed my hands together and covered my mouth as I blew a few breaths in an attempt to provide some heat.

“You cold?” he asked.

“It’s okay. I’m always cold. I’ll warm up soon.”

Before I knew what was happening, he pulled me closer to him, his chest to mine, as my head settled beneath his chin. The man radiated heat and smelled like mint and Hot Tamales, which someone should bottle up and sell because it was my new favorite scent. I closed my eyes as I listened to the sound of his heartbeat.

“I’m sorry I’ve been hot and cold with you, Pres,” he said, his deep voice breaking the silence.

I’d figured he was done talking for the night.

“It’s okay. You don’t owe me an explanation.”

“Well, I think the big guy already outed me.” He chuckled. “I was… a little uncomfortable when you had your hand on my back. It’s been a while for me, so sometimes that just happens.”

I processed his words, and I tried to steady my voice.

“It’s been a while for me, too, so I get it.”

We lay there in silence again, but now I could hear the sound of my heartbeat right along with his. It was pounding in my ears.

“How long has it been for you?” he asked, catching me by surprise. I didn’t think he’d go there.

“I can’t remember, honestly. More than a year. How about you?”
