Page 36 of After the Storm

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I sure as hell didn’t want my daughter to misunderstand things. “Presley is not your parent; she’s your friend. You know that, right?”

“Yes. But friends can come to parties. Please, Presley. Will you come? We’re going to have so many treats.”

Presley set the brush down and moved closer, kissing Gracie on the cheek. “I’d love to come. I haven’t had any fun on Valentine’s Day in years. And I could use a sweet friend like you, Gracie Reynolds.”


Now I was spending Valentine’s Day with the woman I should be avoiding.

I could feel her seeping beneath my skin.

Invading my thoughts.

I needed to put up some fucking boundaries where she was concerned.

And that was exactly what I intended to do.



“I don’t knowwhy you’re getting such a late start. There’s a big storm coming. It’s all they're talking about on the news,” my father said, as he sipped his water and popped a few grapes into his mouth. His words were already getting clearer with each passing day. He was making progress, which didn’t surprise me at all. He was a fighter. I’d always assumed I inherited my inner badass from him. I clearly didn’t get my mother’s inner pageant poise that she’d so wished I’d embodied.

“Yeah, well, they’ve been talking about this big snowstorm since I got here, and there hasn’t been one flurry yet. Don’t worry. The truck has snow tires. And it’s only an hour and a half drive. I’m going to the Valentine’s party at the school now, and then we’ll get on the road. It’ll probably take around four to five hours round trip. We’ll be home right before it gets dark.”

“That was nice of Cage to agree to drive with you and check out the horse for us.”

“Yeah, it was very nice of him,” I said, clearing my throat. I hated that I was excited that he was coming with me. We’d be stuck together for five hours, and I barely slept last night thinking about it, even if he’d been cold to me when he stopped by the barn yesterday and treated me like I had the plague.

Being around Cage again after all these years reminded me why I was so hung up on the guy from the first time I’d laid eyes on him.

I mean, things were obviously different now. We were in different places. But it didn’t mean I didn’t miss him. It didn’t mean I didn’t want to know about his life. Or that I wasn’t dying to ask what the story was with Gracie saying we were both in his heart. I imagined it was a misunderstanding and that Gracie had just confused my name with something else. But these questions consumed my thoughts.

And sure, I was curious if he had a girlfriend. It would be weird for me not to wonder.

We had a history.

He was making an effort to keep distance between us, stepping back every time I was around him.

Yet I only wanted to move closer to him when he was near.

I’d spent the last five years finding ways to put space and distance between me and my husband. Yet here I was, excited about a quick road trip with my ex-boyfriend.

I shook it off. This would all pass as soon as I went back home in a few weeks. At the rate my father was recovering, I’d be going home sooner than I’d planned. And I’d be a partner at the firm before I knew it.

My father cleared his throat and pulled me from my daze when he spoke. “I’ve got that animal doctor coming out later in the week to meet with you and Butch. I still can’t believe that the fraud of a man I was paying allowed those animals to suffer. I should bring my wrath down on him.”

He’d been furious to learn that two of his horses had pretty severe dental issues, and even the younger horses were in need of some dental care quickly before things got worse. Cage had come by and sedated Honey yesterday before extracting her infected tooth. He’d had to do a filling for Daisy, as well. Both were eating and drinking normally this morning, so I felt hopeful that they were on the mend.

Cage had barely acknowledged me, almost like he couldn’t stand the sight of me. I’d asked about the Valentine’s party, and he’d kept his answers curt and short, making it very clear he wasn’t in the mood for conversation.

You don’t have to tell me twice.

I’d spent a lifetime with a mother who didn’t want me around, so I was quick to flee when I felt that slight bit of rejection. I had no idea how he’d act today, seeing as we’d be trapped in the truck for several hours.

Apparently, he’d asked Butch to take him to the house to see my dad after he’d finished up. He and my dad had always gotten along, and they shared a mutual respect for the other, though I don’t think they saw one another much after our breakup.

“Let’s save our wrath for physical therapy, okay? You’ve already terminated Dr. Flank. Focus on your recovery, and I’ll handle the horses.” I leaned over and kissed his cheek.
